SEP is one of the most affordable ways to study abroad. Please see your international office for details. ISEP has two types of programs with different fee structures: ISEP-Exchanges allow you to pay your regular home university tuition, housing and... more details
To be a successful ISS scholarship recipient, you must demonstrate: that your academic background is relevant to the course you apply for (see course descriptions for more information) that your professional background is relevant to the course you ... more details
Grants, scholarships, and awards are fixed amounts of money provided on a competitive basis to people satisfying the scholarship’s, grant’s or award’s requirements. Kyiv School of Economics manages competitions open to the general public, including K... more details
Scholarship can be taken in Canada and the position is awarded for the duration of three years. The scholarship is $24,000 per year plus payment of foreign tuition fees. ... more details
The duration of this scholarship is up to two years for students undertaking a Master by research degree and up to three years, with a possible six month extension, for students undertaking a Doctorate by research degree. The following benefits apply... more details
The Award is valued at $19,000 (Masters) and $21,000 (Doctoral) for a 12-month academic year (one-two awards per year) ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The Academic & Cultural Sharing Scholarship offers international undergraduate students the ability to receive a tuition waiver of 50% of the Non-Resident Base Tuition rate, currently a savings of about $8,500 for the academic year. This scholars... more details
Monthly stipend: 50,000 JPY. If an applicant receives any other scholarships, however, the amount will be reduced by half. ... more details
Who can apply Officials in Government, Public and Private Sectors, Universities, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, etc. Candidates should possess adequate work experience. Eligibility criteria for admission to Courses Academic qualifications as l... more details
Scholarships ranged from U.S.$6,000 to U.S.$25,000 per academic year. They are renewable for all four years of study based on successful continued academic performance. ... more details
A scholarship of no less than $15,000 ** ($60,000 for four years contingent upon meeting academic standards for renewal); A guaranteed $2,500 taxable stipend for a paid internship or research assistantship taken for academic credit during the summer ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Carleton offers partial scholarships worth $4,000 – $16,000 to exemplary students who meet the admission average criteria of 80% and above. If you have been admitted to Carleton with an admission average of 80 percent or better and meet language requ... more details
From 2016, UQ Business School is offering up to two (2) 100% tuition-fee waiver scholarships to outstanding international students commencing the Accelerated full-time (12 month) MBA program (and MBA articulation pathway) in January of each year. The... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.