Our graduate student fellowships provide a stipend of $26,000; tuition and health fees; and a work space with a desktop computer at the Radcliffe Institute's Byerly Hall. ... more details
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) is the academic unit responsible for many post-baccalaureate degree programs offered through the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University. GSAS offers several master's degree programs—Master o... more details
Fellowships include a monthly stipend, health insurance, office space, research support, and round-trip travel to Washington, DC. The program does not provide financial assistance for accompanying family or other dependents. ... more details
Please note that the monetary value of scholarships may vary based on endowment performance. ... more details
Graduate funding at the Faculty of Law is modest, given the number and quality of students in our programs. We therefore strongly recommend that applicants secure their own funding from outside sources. Please visit our sister site Graduate Studies i... more details
GeT MA provides a certain number of scholarships for non-German students and a limited number of tuition fee reductions to qualified students of the program. Applicants interested in these scholarships should state their need in their statement of pu... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Value for a 12 month period: PhD $7,500 (can be held with the UMGF, but is limited to funding and/or number of awards available in any given year).Master's $15,000 (the UMGF must be declined). ... more details
The new values are applicable for a 12 month period, as follows:PhD – $18,000Master’s – $14,000 ... more details
To be eligible for consideration for the IMES Award, you must: • be a new student to UBC, entering directly from secondary school • be an international student who will be studying at UBC on a Canadian study permit (student visa). Changes to your c... more details
General Eligibility Criteria: Applying for September entry. Have an excellent academic record ("A" average or equivalent). An international student with a Study Permit for Canada. Applying to the first year of a full-time undergraduate deg... more details
The Humane Studies Fellowship is an award up to $15,000. Fellowships are awarded for one year, and award winners may reapply for each year of their full-time studies. Fellowships take into account the tuition at the recipient’s institution and any ot... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Academic Excellence Scholarship (Full tuition*/year) *Student is still responsible for paying fees, room & board, as well as personal expenses Minimum Requirements: Completed International Scholarship Application form One letter of recommendation... more details
Every year IIASA provides full funding for several postdoctoral researchers. Scholars are expected to conduct their own research in collaboration with one or more of IIASA's research programs or special projects. Postdoctoral positions, up to 2 years... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.