In 2017, RiSE is awarding five students for the RiSE Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Award and one for the RiSE Awards Autism Award. The value of each award is $2500.00. The award money is paid to the college or university that the award recipient at... more details
The scholarship will cover the following: Enrollment at the university in the United States. 000€ a year to cover per diem and material expenses. This amount will be paid out in 2.000 € monthly instalments. Illness and accident insurance. For studen... more details
Each fellowship will run for a period of up to two years. The recipient will receive an annual stipend of $50,000, health insurance, and workspace. Some research/travel funds may also be available. ... more details
Funding will be provided for a 12-month stay for postdoctoral scholars, who are currently affiliated with a German research institution. The monthly stipend will be € 3,000. The fellow will also receive reimbursement for his or her round-trip economy... more details
The recipients will be awarded a single payment of USD 2,000. ... more details
The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship: Doctoral degree or equivalent professional training or experience at the time of application. For professionals and artists outside the academy, recogniz... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
All students, regardless of their country of origin, are eligible to apply for scholarships and/or financial aid. All Quest Scholarships are considered entrance awards and cannot be applied for after the application deadline leading to your first yea... more details
Shell Oil Company offers $5,000 annual scholarships through the Shell Oil Company Technical Scholarship program to students pursuing an undergraduate degree in a specific technical field of study at certain colleges. The scholarship can be used to pa... more details
The Middle East Initiative offers ten-month stipends of $32,000 to pre-doctoral fellows and $50,000 to all other fellows. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply for other sources of funding. All applicants should clearly indicate on their appl... more details
Up to $15,000 per year ($5,000 per session for 2 or 3 consecutive sessions). The scholarship is awarded for one academic year, which may consist of two or three consecutive terms. It is not automatically renewed; students must apply annually. The aw... more details
The two-year postdoctoral award provides: $55,000 annual funding (plus $7,500 per year non-cash value in training) Exclusive, customized professional development training Long-term collaborative research project with a non-academic partner Note: Fe... more details
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Applicants will receive $17,700 stipend for the regular academic year and have tuition paid through the Graduate Tuition Benefit Program (TBP). ... more details
The scholarship provides the airfare (max C$2,100), and living expenses (C$1,550 per month for up to 4 months). ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.