Degree in Industrial Engineering, or Bachelor's Degree in Logistics/Supply Chain Management/ Business Management. Less than 1 Year work experience Duties and Responsibilities: Preparation of vehicles and vetting. Verification of vehicles for C... more details
Degree in a relevant field Professional certification would be an added advantage 0 – 2 years of work experience. Max age is 27 years as at the date of application. Previous work experience is not necessary but may be advantageous. Excell... more details
At Schlumberger, interns will rotate through different functions and always work on live projects alongside professional accountants. Schlumberger have opportunities in: General Accounting Tax and Treasury Departments You’ll rotate through di... more details
The successful candidate will undergo on-the-job training in various engineering skill areas to prepare him/her for assignments in any designated engineering aspect of oil and gas production anywhere in Nigeria ... more details
To be eligible, you must: Be an undergraduate student in a Nigerian University Be a minimum of 2:1 (Second-Class Upper Divisions) or its equivalent The internship is open to the following field of study: Engineering Applied Industrial Science Fina... more details
The NNPC/MPN JV EMOIMEE Scholarship is a N200,000.00 award scheme to all eligible and successful candidates. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Must be between 22-40 years. Must have a STEM degree (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Must have at least 2 years prior experience in their chosen training track. Must have a minimum of Bachelors degree or higher Must be able to co... more details
The Future Leaders program offers a customized development journey structured to explore your potential within your business/functional stream ... more details
State-of-the-art workspaces tailored to your needs Access to top-notch equipment and facilities without the cost burden Collaborative setups to ignite team synergy and innovation Networking opportunities within the startup ecosystem ... more details
Small businesses will be provided with operational grant support to cover rents, salaries, utilities, raw materials or other costs of production. Grant amount is #50,000 to #300,000 ... more details
The grant sum is N50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Naira) per beneficiary, and it is designed to reach one million nano businesses in the 774 local government areas. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
There will be no registration fees. You can learn about AI courses and get the certification while sitting anywhere you want to. You will not have to face the hassle of getting a visa, applying for a ticket, or need to worry about the accommodation ... more details
Objectives of the program: To completely transform the mindset of youths in Nigeria to become more entrepreneurial, and to equip them to be self-employed or job creators. To create market access and provide support services to existing business owne... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.