The selected students will be provided with a one-off payment to the maximum value of $6,500 by NMIT to assist with tuition fees of the applied degree programme. ... more details
Maximum scholarship is $3,000 USD. Tuition and fees Books and materials Room rent and meals ... more details
Selected students will receive a 7,000 EUR award (or local equivalent) The scholarship award must be spent on tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment required for the students’ classes at their primary university ... more details
The applicants that win this scholarship will be receiving tuition fee support and a $28,000 NZD p.a. tax-free living stipend. ... more details
The Fellowship program finds and helps people become impactful leaders by connecting them with the tools, resources, and communities they need to bring their ideas to life. ... more details
A total of 57 winning teams will each receive $1,500 to build their experiment, a 3D-printed flight box in which to build it, and an assigned spot to test their experiment on a NASA-sponsored suborbital flight. The winning teams will also have acc... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
You are aged 18-29 years old and/or the leadership/decision-making body for your organisation/group is comprised of 51% or more people aged below 30 You are actively working to contribute to the Education 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Y... more details
The fellows will benefit from global visibility and exposure as champions for sustainable urban development, numerous opportunities to develop their expertise, as well as access to SDSN’s vast network of SDG professionals and advocates. Bein... more details
The grand price winner will receive a cash prize of USD 25,000 as well as travel and accommodation for the award ceremony. Up to two runners up will receive USD 10,000 cash award and also travel and accommodation for the award ceremony. Winners w... more details
One-on-one code-level guidance from Apple engineers. Ongoing support from an Apple Developer representative for at least one year. One year of membership in the Apple Developer Program. Access to the Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni network, a... more details
Adaptive Leadership: Based on Ron Heifetz’s work, Adaptive Leadership is a practical leadership framework that supports Fellows’ ability to catalyse and embrace the gradual and meaningful process of creating change in food systems.... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Funding: Projects will also be considered for the WFP Sprint Program, a six-month acceleration program with access to up to US $250,000 in equity-free funding, mentorship, and access to a global network of relevant partners in the public healt... more details
10-weeks of digital training: An online cohort training model with topics common to startups based on experience with The Shoe That Grows. Each week will challenge your thinking around your product and business. One-on-one coaching: Get matched wi... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.