2882 Scholarships and Grants in Kenya

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Financing Type:

WWFund Russell E. Train Fellowships for PhD in Conservation-related Fields

Applicants may apply for up to three years of funding and request up to $30,000 per year.... more details

  •  PhD, Fellowship
  •  Africa
  • $$  up to $30,000 per year

World Bank Group and FTJGB Essay Writing Competition

The winning entry will be published in the Financial Times (at its sole discretion) and the World Bank Group blog. Based on restrictions during the pandemic the World Bank Group will also find additional, virtual ways to honour the winner in April 20... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Contest
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
  • $$  Varies

Royal Society Africa Prize for Early-Stage Researchers

Winners will receive a grant of £15,000 to support their research. The medal is of bronze, awarded annually and is accompanied by a gift of £2,000.... more details

  •  Master, PhD
  •  Africa
  • $$  Grant of £15,000

Jane Coffin’s Childs Memorial Funding for Medical Research Fellowship, 2021

The basic stipend is $52,000 for the first year, $54,000 for the second year, and $56,000 the third year, with an additional $1000 for each dependent child. There is no dependency allowance for a spouse. An allowance of $2,000 a year toward the co... more details

  •  PhD, Fellowship
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Up to $56,000

USAID YouthLead Essay Contest For Young Changemakers

Requirement 1. All written submissions must be the original work of the Entrant (that is, written by the Entrant her/himself).  2. All entries must be submitted here. (Submissions in French or Spanish will also use the same link as ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, South America
  • $$  Varies

The Keith M. Fletcher Excellence in Ethics Scholarships, US

Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. will provide two awards in which First Prize is $1000 and the Second Prize is $500.... more details

  •  Course
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  First Prize is $1000, Second Prize is $500

African Development Bank (AfDB) Fashionomics Africa Contest

The winner will have the opportunity to win: A financial reward of USD 2,000 for the best sustainable and innovative design; A Fashionomics Africa certificate; Access to a network of media insiders and industry experts; The possibility to take ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Contest
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

CIAPS Commonwealth Scholarships for Postgraduate

Courses slated for these scholarships are in the areas of Media & Journalism, Business Management Banking & Finance, School Management, Business Development, Events Management, Political Campaign Management&... more details

  •  Master, PhD
  •  Africa
  • $$  500 Dollars

ARPPIS-DAAD PhD scholarships for study at icipe

A citizen of a country in sub-Saharan Africa. Bachelor’s degree with above average results (at least Second Class/Upper Division or equivalent). Master’s degree with above average results (at least Second Class/Upper Division or equiv... more details

  •  PhD, Grant
  •  Kenya
  • $$  Varies

BIEA Thematic Research Grants

Grants are normally between £500 and £1,000, but up to £1,500 may be awarded. The grant should contribute towards actual research costs and not include institutional overheads, equipment, and applicant’s stipend or public... more details

  •  Master, PhD, Fellowship, Grant
  •  Africa
  • $$  Grants are normally between £500 and £1,000, but up to £1,500 may be awarded

One Planet Fellowship 2021 for Emerging African Researchers

Applicants should: Be a citizen of the following countries: Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, and Zambia; Be 40 years of age or younger by February 1... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

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Information Security Undergraduate Scholarships

Up to 20 scholarships will be awarded. Each scholarship award will be between $1,000 - $5,000. Award/No Award notifications will be emailed June 2021.... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, North America
  • $$  $1,000 - $5,000

Energy Globe World Awards

Recognition from international environmental experts Media exposure of your efforts to save the world Connections to prominent environmental activists Setting an example to others / Being a role model to others Free of charge participation 200... more details

  •  Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Fellowship
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
  • $$  2000 € prize, much more

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