Up to £100,000 available per award to cover a project for up to 36 months. The award will offer funding to cover the costs of an appropriate research project including costs for equipment, field work and data collection, consumables, and resea... more details
The objective of the challenge is to promote Africa’s smart solutions for sustainable green energy. Female alumni from the four YALI RLCs, active within the energy sector are invited to apply. Based on the ideas submitted, 24 outstanding indivi... more details
University of Trento Top scored non-European candidates may receive for the yearly amount of 7,200 Euros (8,500 euros for female students enrolled in STEM degrees).... more details
The WCF aims to support films in the WCF regions/countries by developing active cooperations between producers and directors from these regions and German partners. Therefore, German film companies play an important role in the st... more details
The program supports their fellows’ scientific and public visibility because if research outputs are not visible, fellows aren’t either. To this end, participants receive training on scientific communication and financial incentives to a... more details
Selected projects will receive up to N10,000,000 in funding to deepen the application of 4IR technologies in their work. The Ministry of Agriculture will provide support to selected pilot farms and navigate a path to scale and sustainability. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Have lost one or both parents. Are citizens of one of the 49 sub-Saharan countries. Have completed 3 years of high school with an excellent academic record, and consistently placed in the top 10% of their class. Do not have the means to attend unive... more details
The funding amount is CHF 150,000. In addition to providing fellows with independent and competitive funding, the program offers a wide range of non-financial benefits ... more details
Exposure throughout the competition in front of the largest HR network in the world, SHRM's 325,000+ members across 165 countries who impact the lives of 235 Million global workers and their families. An expenses paid trip for two (2) representa... more details
The winner receives: The “Nkosi” statuette which depicts a child that sets the world in motion The “Desmond Tutu study and care fund” to enable the child to obtain an education A project fund of € 100.0... more details
Please note: Ventures applying for the Investment Showcase must be African (have at least one African co-founder or headquartered in Africa). All applicants must be able to present in person at the Africa Tech Summit Nairobi – Feb 14th & 1... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
£100,000 worth of academic prizes available, including a place at their sister organisation’s residential Oxford summer school. ... more details
Fellows receive a $85,000 stipend paid out in installments over 9.5 months Relocation allowance Basic health insurance for each fellow and their family ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.