The virtual program supports qualifying startups across 4 pillars: Tech Enablement They connect founders with the tech they need to thrive. Access a package of perks, including a minimum of $25,000 of free Azure credits, GitHub Enterprise License, ... more details
Access to Capital Marketing Access Mentorship Capacity Building Investment readiness Free Strategy Session ... more details
The total amount of £7,200,000 is available. ... more details
This fellowship is designed for Latin American newsroom managers who are fluent in Spanish, and who are working at an independent news organization in the region. On a case-by-case basis, Latin American journalists residing in Spain and working on La... more details
Win $50,000: Stand the chance of winning $50,000 in equity Global Visibility: Gain visibility from investors & potential partners A lifetime of Support: Get lifetime benefits from MEST’s community Partner Prizes: Win pr... more details
No program fees; Flexible working time (around 8 hours a week); Certificate of completion at the end of the program; Remotely Training during the program; Support to apply for scholarships or to participate in other programs and events; Dynamic glob... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Mentors will receive a stipend or honorarium for their services, as per the agreement with the AU Media Fellowship program. Costs of travel (including accommodation) as and when required will be covered through the AU Media Fellowship as per the trav... more details
What we offer works – we have provided £9.2 million in grant funding to upskill over 150 Enterprise Fellows, who have gone on to create companies valued over £550 million. As a charity, we don’t take a... more details
The Associate Program for graduates will provide young people with 12-month entry level roles to develop competencies and capabilities in leadership, employability, and basic entrepreneurship knowledge and skills, helping you thrive in the workplace.... more details
The SAIS Investment Readiness Programme (IRP) offers you a yearlong, tailor-made support program to raise investments and scale up your business! The precondition is that your tech startup is registered in Africa, works in Africa, and offers scalable... more details
Successful candidates will be supported on a fully funded scholarship that will cover all expenses of; Tuition Accommodation Living Stipends ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
1st prize: €1,000 2nd prize: €600 3rd prize: €300 3 Honourable mentions Special prize awarded by non-government organization “Vojvodina OK” for the best student project in the national category ... more details
The training structure features the: Presentations by expert facilitators on fundamental concepts related to each course theme, delivered both online (webinar and documentation on the platform) and on-site; Co-development sessions between participan... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.