No program fees; Flexible working time (Around 8 hours a week); Certificate of completion at the end of the program; Remotely Training during the program; Support to apply for scholarships or to participate in other programs and events; D... more details
Benefits With everything you can learn here, and the long-term opportunities we have to offer, the Future Leaders Programme could just be the best decision you’ve ever made. Join us, and you can also expect to receive a competitive salar... more details
Upon completing the 2-year programme, graduates will be offered FULL EMPLOYMENT into MTN subject to satisfactory performance during the 2 year period.... more details
Depending on academic level, monthly payments of 934 euros for graduates or 1,200 euros for doctoral candidates Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by... more details
VIBE is an interactive programme that is designed with your future in mind. You’ll receive insight into the various service lines that enable our multidisciplinary approach and the opportunities within these areas to take your career to the ne... more details
Hands-on coaching Access to mentorship Project development experience Certificate of completion Access to SE workshops and webinars Networking connections ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The following benefits will be enjoyed by the interns selected to participate in the Sahara Energy Global Talent Program; Competitive salary Hands-on and cognitive training Employment opportunity Networking with top professionals ... more details
LEARN from high-profile speakers, industry giants and decision-makers CONNECT and NETWORK with key sector players and professionals across Africa and beyond SHOWCASE your business to a highly engaged global audience; interact and gain valuable custo... more details
DESIGNED TO REVOLUTIONISE THE WAY YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS AND EMPLOYEES INTERACT WITH TECHNOLOGY Training: Guiding growth through shared knowledge and experience. Business Incubation: Fostering startups for success Hands-on learning: ... more details
You will receive training in specific technical skills that will empower you to be competitive in the local and global technical talent marketplace ... more details
Tokushima University will provide a monthly allowance: 48,000JPY per month for International Doctoral students, 30,000JPY per a month for other students.... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The Program offers students the opportunity to work on a software project alongside another STEP intern, with the support of full-time Googlers and a mentor. You will also attend trainings to enhance your technical and professional skills. Responsibi... more details
Objectives A clear understanding of the intricacies of AI, Data Science, and Digital Technologies Empowerment of women with skills to extract valuable insights from data and develop Machine Learning models. Nurturing pipeline of skilled female tech ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.