2867 Scholarships and Grants in Germany

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Financing Type:

Danish Ministry of Education Scholarship Scheme (Non EU/EEA students only)

Scholarships include free tuition and a monthly stipend of DKK 6,500. Danish Government Scholarships of DKK 6,500 must be used to cover travel, visa, accomodation, food, and other living expenses. Students receiving a Danish Government scholarship, y... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Fellowship
  •  Germany

Programme for future European leaders in the fields of science, business, politics, culture and administration

The scholarship is awarded for a duration of eleven month. It consists of the following: -> monthly scholarship of 800 euros -> one-time grant of about 400 euros to support the project work and travels -> for foreign scholarship holders: a o... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Germany

International PhD Fellowships at Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics

The research focuses on ultra-intense electron and x-ray sources for directly observing atomic motions during primary events, and ultrafast imaging over the relevant length and time scales to come to new levels of understanding of the interplay betwe... more details

  •  Phd, Fellowship
  •  Germany

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) Scholarships

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications to its Ph.D. program. BIGSSS is an inter-university institute of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen and is funded by the German Excellence In... more details

  •  Phd, Fellowship
  •  Germany

Rotary Peace Fellowships

Each year, Rotary selects up to 100 individuals from around the world to receive fully funded academic fellowships to pursue a Certificate Program or Masters Degree program related to peace and conflict resolution and prevention at one of the partici... more details

  •  Master, Fellowship
  •  Worldwide

GeTMA Scholarships for International Students in Turkey/Germany

GeT MA – the German Turkish Masters Program in Social Sciences – provides a certain number of scholarships for non-German students and tuition fee reductions to qualified students of the program. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Germany, Turkey

DAAD-OSI Scholarships for the Balkans and Central Asia

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Open Society Scholarship Programs sponsor a joint scholarship program for graduate students in the Balkans and graduate students and junior faculty in the Transcaucasian and Central Asian countries of t... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Germany

Kofi Annan MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Students

The Kofi Annan Business School Foundation provides fellowships for talented and motivated students from developing countries that allow them to obtain a one-year full-time MBA degree at ESMT. ... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  Germany

KAAD Scholarships in Germany for Developing Countries

The KAAD scholarships are addressed to post-graduates and to academics who already gained professional experience and who are interested in postgraduate studies (or research stays) in Germany. ... more details

  •  Master, Fellowship
  •  Germany

Heinrich Boll Scholarships in Germany for International Students

The Heinrich Böll Foundation awards some scholarships to international students who gained their university entrance qualification from a school outside of Germany who wish to study a Masters or PhD Degree in Germany. ... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  Germany

DRD PhD Scholarships in International Development Studies for Sub-Saharan Africans

The DRD offers the scholarship opportunity for PhD studies in the fields of Development Studies Governance, Public Policy and Public Management. The PhD programme is presented in conjunction with the Institute of Development Research and Development ... more details

  •  Phd, Fellowship
  •  Germany

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DRD Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africans

The DRD offers a limited number of DAAD merit scholarships per year for applicants from Sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record, to pursue development-related Masters and PhD studies. ... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  Germany, South Africa

ESMT Women’s Academic Scholarships

ESMT offers special-tuition scholarships to female candidates applying to the ESMT Full-time MBA program with an exceptionally strong GMAT score and a record of academic excellence at undergraduate level. ... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Germany

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