Successful applicants will enjoy the following benefits:Full funding for four years Stipend of €22,000 per annumTuition fee waiver These benefits, coupled with the vibrant intellectual environment at the University of Galway, create an ideal setting... more details
The successful candidate will enjoy a fully funded PhD studentship, gaining access to cutting-edge research facilities and collaboration opportunities with institutions like the University of Cambridge. This is a unique chance to contribute to the de... more details
The LSHTM Fund Scholarship for 2024-25 includes: Tuition fees (at the overseas fee rate), including any mandatory field trip fees.A tax-free stipend (living allowance) of GBP 19,500.00.These benefits aim to alleviate financial barriers and provide a ... more details
The World Bank will provide you with the opportunity to gain entry-level professional experience in a premier development institution, on a two-year, non-renewable Extended Term Consultant (ETC) contract with benefits. ... more details
There will be no registration fees. You can learn about AI courses and get the certification while sitting anywhere you want to. You will not have to face the hassle of getting a visa, applying for a ticket, or need to worry about the accommodation ... more details
Your Role and Responsibilities As a Technical / Technical Sales Graduate, you understand the client’s business requirements, technical requirements and/or competitive landscape. You apply business insights, build and maintain client relations... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The University of Antwerp will provide your monthly amount calculated according to the scholarship amounts for doctoral scholarship holders on the pay scales for Contract Research Staff (Dutch: Bijzonder Academisch Personeel, BAP). You will receive e... more details
Masters may also offer full scholarships to the best-ranked students worldwide. Scholarships cover your participation costs and contribute to Travel Visa A living allowance You will gain either A joint degree (i.e. one single degree certificate is... more details
At the University of Huddersfield, we recognise academic excellence by offering a merit-based scholarship of up to £4,000 to international students for a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.... more details
No program fees; Flexible working time (Around 8 hours a week); Certificate of completion at the end of the program; Remotely Training during the program; Support to apply for scholarships or to participate in other programs and events; D... more details
The GREAT Scholarship programme will provide a financial award of £10,000, credited directly to the student’s account in the form of a tuition fee reduction. Successful applicants will enjoy this support toward their academic journey at Aston Univers... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Benefits With everything you can learn here, and the long-term opportunities we have to offer, the Future Leaders Programme could just be the best decision you’ve ever made. Join us, and you can also expect to receive a competitive salar... more details
Upon completing the 2-year programme, graduates will be offered FULL EMPLOYMENT into MTN subject to satisfactory performance during the 2 year period.... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.