The scholarship amounts will be calculated based on the duration of the scholarship and the specific contexts of the recipients. The maximum scholarship amounts are: 2 weeks – $2,2003 weeks – $2,8004 weeks – $3,4005 weeks – $4,0006 weeks – $4,6007 w... more details
Amount: From €5,580 to €18,600.Duration: 3 to 10 months.Internship or Research Period: December 16, 2024, to October 31, 2025.... more details
Full tuition fee waiver for the duration of study£5,000 per year towards study/living costsUniversity of Glasgow accommodation for the duration of study... more details
Selected applicants will receive a competitive stipend and many other amazing offers. Participants will have the opportunity to work in a conducive and friendly environment. ... more details
Successful applicants will receive a monthly stipend of €2,000 and family allowances if applicable. The scholarship supports female postdoctoral researchers in their scientific career path, bridging transitional periods, and advancing their universit... more details
The scholarship provides £6,000 per annum for up to three years, supporting research in health care organisation and management.... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Scholarship Amount: €11,000 gross per year, disbursed in three installments.Additional Support Services: This includes welcome and orientation, cultural mediation, psychological support, and customized accommodation services for students with disabil... more details
Full cost of tuition fees coveredAnnual stipend of £19,237Additional research expenses up to £1,000 per yearSwansea University International Postgraduate Research Excellence Scholarship (SUIPRES) to cover the difference between International and Home... more details
The scholarship programme covers full three-year tuition fees for eligible students.... more details
You will receive a monthly allowance of 1,577 Swiss Francs.... more details
Coverage of all MSc tuition feesLiving and personal allowancesAssistance with residence/visa documentationMedical insurance and travel expensesCapacity building and network-building programsSupport for successful integration into the academic environ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Financial support for research stays abroad at IDEA League partner universities.Grants range from 300 to 600 euros per month.Stays from two weeks to six months are allowed, with preference for short stays.At ETH Zurich, the minimum stay for Bachelor ... more details
The Ireland Fellows Programme enables early to mid-career professionals from eligible countries, with leadership potential, to benefit from a prestigious, world-class, quality education contributing to capacity building. It offers selected students t... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.