2836 Scholarships and Grants in Ethiopia

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Financing Type:

IELTS Test Fee Scholarship 2021 – Call for Applications

The IELTS Test Fee Scholarship covers full fee payment of an IELTS exam as per British council, AEO or any other IELTS test-taking organization rates. The full fee of an IELTS exam will be paid in the bank account of the successful candidates within ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, PhD
  •  Africa
  • $$  Test fees

British Ecological Society (BES) Grant for Ecologists, Africa

The maximum value of a grant is £8,000 for research. An additional sum up to £2,000 may be requested to fund travel to help you develop connections with other ecologists outside your usual peer group. This must be requested at the appli... more details

  •  Master, Grant
  •  Africa
  • $$  £8,000, more

WARA Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowships for West Africa

The Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowship program will award five doctoral research grants of $4,000 each.... more details

  •  PhD, Fellowship
  •  Africa
  • $$  $4,000

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition - Win an iPad Mini + More

The first-place winner will receive a service contract to do further design work with Youth Excel and an iPad mini. The second-and third-place winners will receive an iPad mini. ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, PhD, Contest
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
  • $$  Prizes

DOW/YALI RLC Accra Design Competition for Sustainable Waste Management

The winning group will receive $10,000 to implement their challenge project/ idea. The award ceremony will be followed by a twelve-month mentorship period for finalists of the Challenge. Finalists will be assigned to mentors for this pe... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  Africa
  • $$  $10,000

Africa Young Innovators for Health Award

Award winners will receive: Financial Support worth a total of $75,000. First prize of $40,000 Second prize of $20,000 Third prize of $15,000 A 3-month Business Mentorship programme from leading entrepreneurs. Technical support with I... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, PhD, Contest
  •  Africa
  • $$  $75,000 Total Cash Prizes

Women In Tech `21 Scholarship Program | GreyCampus

Full tuition Students in the U.S. have access to resume-forwarding services to organizations hiring for Full Stack skills. Students in India are eligible for guaranteed job placements (?5.0 LPA+ CTC) within 3 months of completing the program. ... more details

  •  Course
  •  Africa
  • $$  Full tuition

Micklin Law Group undergraduate financial aid in USA, 2021

The Micklin Law Group, LLC will provide the award of $1,000. The award is granted two times per year.... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  $1000

WWFund Russell E. Train Fellowships for PhD in Conservation-related Fields

Applicants may apply for up to three years of funding and request up to $30,000 per year.... more details

  •  PhD, Fellowship
  •  Africa
  • $$  up to $30,000 per year

World Bank Group and FTJGB Essay Writing Competition

The winning entry will be published in the Financial Times (at its sole discretion) and the World Bank Group blog. Based on restrictions during the pandemic the World Bank Group will also find additional, virtual ways to honour the winner in April 20... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Contest
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
  • $$  Varies

Royal Society Africa Prize for Early-Stage Researchers

Winners will receive a grant of £15,000 to support their research. The medal is of bronze, awarded annually and is accompanied by a gift of £2,000.... more details

  •  Master, PhD
  •  Africa
  • $$  Grant of £15,000

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Jane Coffin’s Childs Memorial Funding for Medical Research Fellowship, 2021

The basic stipend is $52,000 for the first year, $54,000 for the second year, and $56,000 the third year, with an additional $1000 for each dependent child. There is no dependency allowance for a spouse. An allowance of $2,000 a year toward the co... more details

  •  PhD, Fellowship
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Up to $56,000

USAID YouthLead Essay Contest For Young Changemakers

Requirement 1. All written submissions must be the original work of the Entrant (that is, written by the Entrant her/himself).  2. All entries must be submitted here. (Submissions in French or Spanish will also use the same link as ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, South America
  • $$  Varies

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