2563 Scholarships and Grants in Denmark

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Financing Type:

The Manchester Full-time MBA Scholarships

Our scholarships allow the most talented applicants the opportunity to benefit from the Manchester MBA experience. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  £10,000 - £44,000

International Fully-Funded PhD Fellowship in Vascular Physiology at the University of Copenhagen

The fellowship is a fully-funded PhD student position and the monthly salary begins around 27,135 DKK, plus pension. ... more details

  •  Fellowship, PhD
  •  Denmark
  • $$  Fully-Funded

International Postdoctoral Position at the BARC Center, Denmark

Appointment and salary will be in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). ... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  Denmark
  • $$  Salary

Fully-Funded Industrial PhD Scholarship in Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark

The PhD position is a 3-year Industrial PhD project funded by Orifarm A/S and Innovation Fund Denmark. Winner will receive a rewarding and challenging position in a company with an ambition to reach quality in cooperation with people who bring in n... more details

  •  Phd, Internship
  •  Denmark
  • $$  See description below

Student Essays Scholarship

We are extremely honored to disclose that we will be awarding 5 lucky students with $1000 scholarship each. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  $1000 each for Five Students

Micro-Scholarships for Online Courses

You can learn your chosen course for free You get a blockchain certificate which is impossible to fake You can get a financial reward for your studying time ... more details

  •  Course
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  100% course fees

Findboliger Scholarship in Denmark

Each scholarship has a total value of DKK 5,000 (Approx. $ 740). FindBoliger.dk grants an additional gift certificate to groceries of DKK 1,000 (Approx. $ 150). ... more details

  •  Course, Grant
  •  Denmark
  • $$  A month worth of rent, up to DKK 5,000 and 2 gift cards worth DKK 500 each, from Rema1000

Bostadslistan Scholarship

Eligible Countries: All nationalities are eligible Acceptable Course or Subjects: The grant will provide for high school or higher education in any subject Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, there are some demands that students have to be able to... more details

  •  Course
  •  Denmark
  • $$  A month worth of rent, up to DKK 5,000

Education for Sustainable Energy Development (ESED) Scholarship Program

A grant of a maximum of 21,000 USD ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  max 21,000 USD

British Council IELTS Award 2020

The British Council IELTS Award is worth between £3,000 up to £10,000 depending on the tuition fees of the institution chosen by the winner and will go towards the cost of tuition fees of the individual's selected course. ... more details

  •  Master, Bachelor, Phd
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  10,000 GBP

Direct speech center Scholarship

We are offering a $1000 Scholarship award each for 5 eligible and needy students to help them continue their education. ... more details

  •  Master, Bachelor
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  $1000

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The MyUS.com Global Perspectives Scholarship

The scholarship recipient will receive a one-time $2,500 (USD) educational scholarship to be applied to qualifying expenses, including undergraduate/graduate tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room and board for the 2019 or 2020 academic year. Funds... more details

  •  Master, Bachelor, Grant
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  2500

The Feldman Law Firm 2019 Autism Scholarship

The Feldman Law Firm is awarding $1,000 educational award. The award will support the payment of the cost of attending school. The fund will use to pay a portion of the tuition at a school chosen by the winning applicant like junior college, univers... more details

  •  Bachelor, Grant
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  $1,000

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