Aarhus University will provide a fully financed PhD position to the successful candidates for the academic session 2021/2022. ... more details
Aarhus University will provide a salary to the winning candidates for the session 2021/2022. ... more details
The Micklin Law Group, LLC will provide the award of $1,000. The award is granted two times per year.... more details
The University of Copenhagen will provide a good salary package to successful candidates in Denmark. ... more details
The University of Copenhagen will provide a monthly salary starts at 34,600 DKK/ approx. 4,650 Euro (April 2020-level). Depending on qualifications, a supplement may be negotiated. The employer will pay an additional 17.1 % to your pension fund. ... more details
The University of Copenhagen will offer a salary minimum of DKK 331,125 (approx. €43,750), including an annual supplement (+ pension at a minimum of DKK 53,811). Negotiation for salary supplement is possible. ... more details
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The winning entry will be published in the Financial Times (at its sole discretion) and the World Bank Group blog. Based on restrictions during the pandemic the World Bank Group will also find additional, virtual ways to honour the winner in April 20... more details
Copenhagen Business School will provide a salary to the successful candidates for the academic year 2021/2022. ... more details
The University of Copenhagen will provide a salary range at DKK 34,654.76 (EUR 4,919.83) per month + a 17.1 % contribution to the pension scheme. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements on an annual basis. ... more details
The basic stipend is $52,000 for the first year, $54,000 for the second year, and $56,000 the third year, with an additional $1000 for each dependent child. There is no dependency allowance for a spouse. An allowance of $2,000 a year toward the co... more details
The University of Copenhagen provides salary is currently at a minimum DKK 330k (approx. €44,000) including annual supplement (+ pension at a minimum DKK 53,000 (approx. €7.100)). Negotiation for salary supplement is possible. ... more details
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Requirement 1. All written submissions must be the original work of the Entrant (that is, written by the Entrant her/himself). 2. All entries must be submitted here. (Submissions in French or Spanish will also use the same link as ... more details
Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. will provide two awards in which First Prize is $1000 and the Second Prize is $500.... more details
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