Up to 20 scholarships will be awarded. Each scholarship award will be between $1,000 - $5,000. Award/No Award notifications will be emailed June 2021.... more details
Recognition from international environmental experts Media exposure of your efforts to save the world Connections to prominent environmental activists Setting an example to others / Being a role model to others Free of charge participation 200... more details
CERN would very much like to benefit from your commitment and passion, and in return, CERN will provide you with: A contract of association of up to three months to work on a technical project. An extensive online physics lecture programme (... more details
Award recipients receive: Fully-funded tuition fees; Living expenses allowance (stipend) for duration of award; Return economy flights to their host country; An arrival allowance; Research support grant – on request only; subject to appr... more details
If you can innovatively provide a solution for one of our targeted SDGs, your idea will be selected to receive mentorship and training from experts in the field, guidance in developing prototypes and exposure while presenting to industry expert... more details
Finduddannelse.dk will provide up to €5000 to help cover your tuition fees and get you one step closer to your, hopefully, world-changing vocation. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Huawei prepared $1 million as prize money for this global contest. US$200,000 will be allocated for the following award winners in each of the 5 regions: USD 15,000 each for 5 Best App USD 15,000 each for 3 Best Game USD 15,000 each for 3 Best S... more details
Essay Writing Scholarship is an opportunity for students from all levels to participate and win sponsored cash reward of US$2500. ... more details
Eligible Countries: There is no geographical restriction Eligible Course or Subjects: Undergraduate degree program in a variety of subjects Eligibility Criteria: You can qualify for this opportunity if you meet the given criteria: Applicants must b... more details
The program will cover fifty percent of the institutional tuition fee for students who want to study at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. ... more details
The Houtan Scholarship Foundation Hispanic award is worth $3500. This amount will be granted to scholars each year of the graduate course. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The IELTS Test Fee Scholarship covers full fee payment of an IELTS exam as per British council, AEO or any other IELTS test-taking organization rates. The full fee of an IELTS exam will be paid in the bank account of the successful candidates within ... more details
The benefits are coverage of tuition fee which give you more freedom to choose between universities and financial latitude. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.