We are looking for entrepreneurs with high potential for impact and growth to become leaders of a sustainable future, with the following criteria: You are a citizen or resident of a developing or emerging country. You have recently (in ... more details
The 2022 University Grant will be awarded to 100 Undergraduate and 50 Postgraduate students who are presently carrying out their research studies in the areas of either microfinance, rural development, inclusive finance, social enterprise, MSME an... more details
Around 800 startups will be selected to receive the “Deep Tech Pioneer” global recognition and get exclusive access to: An international deep tech network to tap into opportunities for visibility, funding and connections. The ... more details
First place winner from each theme will receive a special prize valued at USD $200-$300.... more details
Networking and community-building Guidance Mentorship Potential funding Exposure ... more details
There are 4 prizes worth USD $1,200 in total. In addition, every participant that completes the submission form by the deadline will receive a Certificate of Participation! ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Prizes Top 50 will get Samsung vouchers up to 1 Lakh to study online courses. Top 10 will get Samsung hampers worth 1 Lakh. Top 3 will get Samsung products + Grants up to 1 Crore. The top 3 teams will receive long-term mentorship and supp... more details
Selected videos (maximum of 30 seconds) will be published on the Transforming Education Summit’s website and disseminated on the Summit’s social media channels. ... more details
Digital Access to the One Young World Summit 2022 which takes place from 5 - 8 September. Permanent membership of the One Young World Ambassador community. Participation in unique sessions including meetings with senior Pfizer executives. ... more details
YPs are offered a competitive salary and benefits package as part of a 5-year term contract. Benefits include health, life and accident insurance, a pension plan and possible relocation and mobility benefits depending on WBG guidelines. ... more details
The D-Prize will award the most promising teams with up to $20,000 USD to launch a pilot version of your new organization wherever extreme poverty exists, with a goal to serve millions in the years ahead. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
There are more than USD $25,000 worth of prizes available for the best submissions! In addition to cash prizes, every participating team will receive certificates of achievement. Benefits for learners: Get practical experience running... more details
The studentships have a value of GBP 5,500 each. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.