For those who excel in the YIPP, rewards are plentiful: Sponsorships: Africa Re will grant sponsorships to the top ten prodigious professionals to attend one of Africa’s premier insurance/reinsurance events (e.g., AIO, FANAF, OESAI, GAIF, FAIR... more details
Grand Prize winner: $2,500. Category winners: $500 Readers’ Choice winner: $500 ... more details
The winner will receive a collection of FAO merchandise, including a backpack, water bottle and notebook. ... more details
The award includes a US$250,000 prize paid to the organization to which the individual contributes. ... more details
The purpose of this program is to support interdisciplinary research collaboration across academia and industry in pursuit of addressing significant research opportunities at the intersection of AI and society. The fellowship is intended to provide a... more details
FIFTY DEEP will also spotlight two thousand Hip Hop videos that have changed the game. These videos will appear in YouTube Music playlists like Fifty Deep, Fashion Killas, Sunny Daze, Its The Remix, Street Code and... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Pairing Students + SMEs The Fellowship Program will pair graduate business students (MBA/MSc/Masters/PhD) with SMEs for 12 months. Each GoTrade GBSN Fellow will be assigned an SME to advise, consult, and collaborate with. The GoTrade GBSN Fellow... more details
The Scholarship will cover 50% of the tuition fee for each semester of the programme, pending the student achieves the academic progression requirements. Total value of the scholarship over the course of the three-year degree programme is approximate... more details
The award is $25,000 for one year and contributes to the support of a doctoral candidate to enable the completion of a dissertation that advances the Foundation’s research interests described above in a timely manner. They are available only to... more details
While in residence fellows receive regular STIAS fellow support which includes: An economy return flight; Comfortable accommodation within walking distance from the institute; Individual offices equipped with a PC, telephone and printer; A monthly s... more details
Winners of the competition will receive cash prizes as below: First place will receive a cash prize of $5,000 Second place will receive a cash prize of $4,000 Third place winner will receive a cash prize of $3,000 All the Top 10 team members will ge... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
What you will learn: How to identify your responsibilities in respecting human rights and labour rights, expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles a... more details
The AIFF competition is open, with film creators from around the world invited to submit a short film that includes AI-generated content. The win... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.