3979 Scholarships and Grants in Asia

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Financing Type:

ELM International Postgraduate Bursaries at HELP University in Malaysia

If you are an international student and want to complete their higher education in Malaysia apply for the ELM International Postgraduate Bursaries. The grant is offered by the HELP University for the academic year 2021-2022. The study award is avail... more details

  •  Master, Grant
  •  Open
  •  Malaysia
  • $$  50% discount on the tuition fees

NUML Merit Scholarship, Pakistan

Merit Scholarship will be awarded on basis of academic excellence. Merit scholarship may be awarded in the following forms: i. Fee waiverii. Fee refundiii. Monetary incentive / awardv. Any other form approved by the Statuary Bodies.... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  open
  •  Pakistan
  • $$  Fee waiver, fee refund, etc.

FindDataLab Research Grant Programme in USA and EU, 2021

Students will get up to 1000 US dollars grant that can be used for web scraping services to collect data for academic purposes. ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Course, Grant
  •  10th day of every month
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Up to $1,000 towards web scraping serivces

Industry Partner Bursary for International Applicants in Malaysia

HELP University is delighted to announce the Industry Partner Bursary for motivated and talented candidates in Malaysia. The grant is open for the academic year 2020/2021. The educational award is designed for both domestic and international aspiran... more details

  •  Bachelor, Grant
  •  Open
  •  Malaysia
  • $$  30% of tuition fees

Taylor’s Excellence Awards for International Students in Malaysia

Taylor’s College will provide tuition fee waiver to the successful candidates for undergraduate studies. ... more details

  •  Diploma, Bachelor
  •  Open
  •  Malaysia
  • $$  Tuition fee waiver

Distinction Awards for International Students at Taylor’s College, Malaysia

Each successful scholar will receive a 100% tuition fee waiver to complete their education in Malaysia. ... more details

  •  Diploma
  •  Open
  •  Malaysia
  • $$  100% tuition fee waiver

Khalid Sherdil Scholarship for Undergraduate and Masters, Pakistan

Amount: Semester Fee for 8 semesters Deadline: August 30, 2020 Awarded: September 05, 2020 ... more details

  •  Diploma, Bachelor, Master
  •  august 30th
  •  Pakistan
  • $$  Semester Fee for 8 semesters

HEC scholarships for students of Balochistan and FATA, Pakistan

Average tuition fee and other charges including hostel fee up to Rs. 60,000 per semester/year. Living allowance of Rs. 6,000 per month with Rs. 500 annual increments. Book allowance of Rs. 5,000 per anum. A travel allowance of Rs. 5,000 per anum... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor
  •  2nd of october
  •  Pakistan
  • $$  Rs. 60,000+

Dalda Foundation Scholarship in Pakistan

Dalda Scholarship program is offering Financial Assistance for needy and deserving students. The Aim and the main Objective of the Dalda Foundation Scholarship are to fulfill the requirements and needs of those students who cannot pursue their educat... more details

  •  Diploma, Bachelor
  •  october 30th
  •  Pakistan
  • $$  Various

BRAC University Need-Based international awards in Bangladesh

BRAC University will provide 100% tuition and other fees (semester fees, lab fees, library etc.) waiver with food and accommodation is awarded to economically disadvantaged but deserving students. ... more details

  •  Master, Bachelor
  •  Apply at any time
  •  Bangladesh
  • $$  100% tuition and other fees + benefits

National Teachers College academic programs in Philippines

The grant will be awarded according to full and partial award: 100% basic tuition fee discount for full-time students 50% basic tuition fee discount for partial students ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  Open
  •  Philippines
  • $$  Up to 100% of tuition fees

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Future Scholarship Grant at CIIT College of Arts and Technology, Philippines

Candidates who fulfil the university’s requirements successfully will get to win the fee reduction of up to 20% of tuition and miscellaneous fees on any approved course. ... more details

  •  Diploma, Bachelor, Grant
  •  Open
  •  Philippines
  • $$  20% of tuition fees

Ranaviru Pranama Scholarships Scheme at Skills College of Technology in Sri Lanka

Do you need funding to support your study in Sri Lanka? Then you are at the right place! Skills College of Technology is providing the Ranaviru Pranama Scholarships Scheme for the year 2020. The opportunity is available for those brilliant students ... more details

  •  Diploma, Bachelor
  •  Open
  •  Sri Lanka
  • $$  20% of tuition fee

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