Each applicant must be admitted to DLSU undergraduate or graduate programme to be qualified for the university scholarships and grants. For the external scholarships please check each scholarship eligibility requirements.... more details
The selected students will be given $87,400 towards subsidized tuition fees, study-related expenses, and provisions for University-approved overseas student programmes for up to 4 years of study. ... more details
The applicants will receive partial or complete tuition fee discount from 1% to 100% by Shiraz University of Medical Sciences for the applied undergraduate or graduate programme. It also additionally covers English language programme charges. ... more details
The selected applicants will be provided RM 5,000, RM 8,400, and RM 8,000 towards their Master programme in Counselling, Health Professions Education, and other mentioned eligible programmes respectively by IMU. ... more details
The National Institute of Education will provide the selected candidates a sum of S$2,500 per month towards the study cost of a Master’s by research degree for up to 2 years of study. Singaporean candidates will also additionally receive cover ... more details
De la Salle Lippa will provide the total tuition fees for students for the academic year 2021-2022. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Each successful scholar will receive the award amount of $ 2,500 to complete their studies at the American University of Yangon. ... more details
Kathford International College of Engineering and Management will provide fully-funded positions for students in Nepal.... more details
CHARUSAT will provide the selected candidate’s tuition fee reduction depending upon their percentage. 90% and above will be given 50% tuition fee reduction, 70% to 89.99% will be granted 35% tuition fee reduction, and 55% to 69.99% will be show... more details
Each successful scholar will receive the educational fund to complete your studies at Mofid University in Iran. ... more details
The Tokyo Institute of Technology and RIKEN will provide the selected applicants monetary benefit in the form of living expenses of JPY 5,200 and also render housing allowance as well as airfare worth 1 round trip upto three years of study. ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The Kanagawa University will provide the successfully selected students a sum ranging from 90,000 YEN to as high as 360,000YEN depending upon the faculty they apply for their course of study. ... more details
The institute will provide the winners a position in a PhD degree programme of their choice worth RMB 80,000 per annum and also give them 5000 RMB towards living expenses for the duration of their study, i.e., three years. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.