3982 Scholarships and Grants in Asia

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Financing Type:

Pony Chung KU GSIS Invitation Scholarships for Vietnam Students in South Korea

The selected applicants will receive a tuition fee of the applied programme, KRW 900,000/month towards living costs, KRW 500,000 overall for printing fee, and one round trip airline fare from Korea University. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  South Korea
  • $$  Tuition fee

DAAD Postgraduate International Scholarship in Performing Arts, Pakistan

DAAD will provide all the following study expenses: A monthly payment of 861 euros Travel allowance One-off study allowance Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover Under certain circumstances, scholarship holde... more details

  •  Master
  •  Pakistan
  • $$  Varies

Emergency International Student Support Fund at Tohoku University, Japan

The students that will be selected by Tohoku University will e given 200,000 YEN towards any master or doctorate programme undertaken at the university. ... more details

  •  Master, PhD
  •  Japan
  • $$  200,000 YEN

LSH Asia Scholarship at Kobe International Language School in Japan

The winner of this application will receive 20,000 YEN per month for 5 months by Kobe International Language School towards undertaking any programme at Kobe.... more details

  •  Course
  •  Japan
  • $$  20,000 YEN

Merck Foundation Masters Medical Scholarships 2021 for African & Asian Students

Bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery (Primary Medical Qualification) (e.g.: MBBS or MBChB) Candidates working within a public sector clinical setting (Preferably) with the aim to continue working in the public sector after graduation, i... more details

  •  Master
  •  Africa, Asia
  • $$  Varies

Fast Track at UNPAD : Development Medication Therapy Management Training Modules for Pharmacists

1. Tuition fees for the Master's and Doctoral Program in Universitas Padjadjaran; 2. Monthly living allowance IDR 2.500.000 for 4 (four) years during the Doctoral Program; 3. 1 (one) time return airfare ticket to and from Jakarta Indonesia (from and ... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  Indonesia
  • $$  Tuition fee, living allowance + benefits

Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence

100% free tuition fee Highly competitive monthly stipend On-campus student accommodation 30 calendar days annual vacation Health insurance, UAE visa sponsorship and yearly ticket to home country for non-UAE nationals ... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  United Arab Emirates
  • $$  100% tuition fee + stipend and accomodation

Scholarship for Online Courses Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, Netherlands

Our courses will help you to develop the skills needed to be creative, adaptive, and responsive to the dynamics of a rapidly changing world. Balancing combination of virtual classrooms and interactive sessions with in-between self-study blocks. C... more details

  •  Course
  •  Afghanistan, Africa, Bangladesh, Benin, Egypt, Mali, Netherlands
  • $$  Full funding

Front-end Development Scholarship at Harbour.Space

Up to 50% of the tuition fee and reduced the application fee by 40€.... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  Spain, Thailand
  • $$  50% of tuition fees

Fully-funded Awards for International Students at City University of Hong Kong

Lucky international applicants that will be selected to receive this award will be given full  scholarships. Applicants will also additional be assisted with on-campus accommodation and living expenses. ... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Hong Kong
  • $$  Full-Tuition

Undip Scholarships for International Students at Diponegoro University, Indonesia

The scholarship winners will be given a round trip international airfare, settlement allowance of IDR 2,500,000, living allowance IDR 2,500,000 per month, cost of books, internet allowance, and health insurance by the university. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Indonesia
  • $$  Tuition fee and living expenses

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Arts and Social Science Excellence International Awards at University of Nottingham, Malaysia

The selected applicants will receive a 25% Tuition fee reduction on the total tuition fee payable of the applied master programme at Nottingham for the complete duration of the course.... more details

  •  Master
  •  Malaysia
  • $$  25% Tuition fee

Hebrew University Virtual Open Day, Israel

Students will learn more about the application process and scholarship opportunities available at Hebrew University in Israel. ... more details

  •  Master
  •  Israel

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