The winner receives the sum of $7,500 as an incentive to finance the research and writing of their article or book. The amount includes the taxes to be paid by the beneficiary and the convening institutions. The scholarship will be awarde... more details
The students selected will be given a Grant cap of HK$10,000 to conduct their entire undergraduate studies at SBM.... more details
HKUST will award the selected students this scholarship of up to HK$100,000 towards the tuition fee more likely.... more details
As a winner, your work will be: Included in an annual travelling exhibition shown around the world in over 80 cities. Published on the Wold Press Photo website and social platforms with over 2 million followers. Included in their yearbook. Yo... more details
The Prize shall be funded by the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and shall consist of a one-time contribution sum of US $758,600, which shall cover both the monetary value of the Prize and the costs of administering the Prize.... more details
WB pays an hourly salary to all Interns. WB provides an allowance toward travel expenses up to USD 3,000 at the discretion of the manager(These travel expenses can only include transport expenses (airfare) to or from the duty station city) ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Bristol Myers Squibb Scholars will receive: Access to the One Young World Summit 2022 in Tokyo, Japan which takes place from 16-19 May. Hotel accommodation between 15 – 19 May 2022. The cost of travel to and from Tokyo. Catering whi... more details
Each scholarship shall cover the following: A monthly stipend; Tuition and other compulsory fees (as specified by NTU) ... more details
The scholarship covers partial costs of tuition fees for the MBA programme. This does not cover any living, travel, or additional costs. Students can avail up to a maximum total of £15,000. The remaining cost can be paid in 10-monthly instalmen... more details
The students chosen by the council will be provided funding worth $1.625M for up to 5 years to conduct their research studies in Singapore.... more details
East China Normal University will provide the selected international students full scholarship including tuition fee, accommodation, insurance, monthly stipend, or a partial scholarship with only stipend included.... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Twenty-six women leaders in digital journalism will receive yearlong support to level up their careers.... more details
Conference registration fee A data grant of GBP 50 for successful applicants attending a virtual conference. Free access to a half-day training session on how to deliver great virtual presentations. Accommodation Flights Visa costs Travel and... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.