Grand Prize winners will receive a virtual Gold Badge and a Certificate. Second Prize winners will receive a virtual Silver Badge and a Certificate. Third Prize winners will receive a virtual Bronze Badge and a Certificate. People’s Ch... more details
A scholarship award of $10,000 will be rewarded to the selected international students for their postgraduate law studies at the School of Law at SMU.... more details
S.N. Bose will provide a monthly stipend to cover living costs and food. The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency. Free on-campus accommodation will be provided. The monthly stipend does not cover comprehensive health insuran... more details
Low population density, and a maximum of 15,000 inhabitants. Be located in a landscape with an important presence of traditional activities such as agriculture, forestry, livestock or fishing. Share community values&... more details
Winners will receive educational funds at the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand to cover their study expenses.... more details
The scholarship includes: Fully paid tuition fees. Allowance for monthly stipend + accommodation. Laptop. Settling-in allowance. Return economy class air passage. Subsidised medical benefit (out-patient) and accident insurance coverag... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The students selected will receive this Tech Award towards their study cost in a relevant field at any American university by the EQUALS Global Partnership.... more details
The university will provide all the following benefits at the university:Duration of 1-2 years with 200,000 JPY/monthDuration of 3 years with 180,000 JPY/monthDuration of 4-5 years with 150,000 JPY/month... more details
Selected creators will join a cohort-driven program designed to build and deepen their fluency in crypto commerce and traditional payments. The program is focused on supporting creators in five key areas: Join a community of creators in v... more details
The chosen candidate will be presented with a US$20,000 honorarium and the signature crystal engraved globe at a virtual global conference with Internet technical leaders later this year. ... more details
The University of Hong Kong will cover the full tuition fee of the selected students’ applied undergraduate study programmes.... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The scholarship amount is $10,000. There are 40 scholarships available. ... more details
Qualified startups that apply for the call will receive priority screening, so it’s a way to get your solution in front of our team knowing that we are actively looking to invest between $500K-$2M USD. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.