Applicants selected for the Fellowship will receive a stipend totaling $25,000 USD to support living costs during the pre-residency and residency periods (subject to U.S. tax withholding and reporting). In addition, CUE will cover t... more details
An all-inclusive stipend per month and accommodation, if required (subject to Foundation policy), will be provided. Other work-related expenses may also be covered subject to agreement with the Foundation... more details
Equity-free support: 3 months of equity-free support. Custom mentoring: Technical consulting, tailored support, and advice from Google mentors and industry experts. Strategic support: Support on company and product strategy. Ad-hoc leadership traini... more details
Interns are expected to take care of their own upkeep during their internship programme, including accommodation, meals, transport, clothing, medical and group personal accident insurance. However, the Group will, on gratis terms, provide the followi... more details
Benefits of joining the fellowship include: Acumen invests in social entrepreneurs, providing them with tools and support to create transformational change. The West Africa Acumen Fellowship equips participants with leadership skills and a community... more details
Our overall Grand Prize Winner will receive a trophy and a cash prize of £1000 plus £500 for their school, with one Runner Up will receive a trophy and a cash prize of £500 plus £250 for their school (cash priz... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The designer or design team submitting the “best sustainable design” will win $3,000 and other prizes. Two other competition finalists will take home $1,500 each, plus other support. ... more details
Organizations applying for ACT grant must meet the following criteria: Organizations applying for ACT grant must meet the following criteria: Work within the ACT Foundation’s focus areas of Health, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Environment... more details
Stipend: Part-time interns: $350 per month Full-time interns: $700 per month ... more details
Community Development International Exchange/Secondment Opportunity Mentorship Structured personal development Structured training ... more details
Mentorship: Access to a network of experienced mentors and industry experts. Workshops and Training: Comprehensive training in business development, including; market access, product strategy, external factors, commercial models. Co-working Space: A... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The doctoral dissertation research fellowship supports research costs of up to US$15,000 on a topic related to peace, security, and development. The doctoral dissertation proposal fellowship supports short-term research costs of up to US$3... more details
The selected participants will be supported by the IOC and a network of mentors in the development of their grassroots projects. Each of them will receive a total amount of CHF 10,000 seed-funding delivered over the four years, as well as access to ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.