Compete to win one of two partial scholarships: 80% tuition or 45% tuition (registration and graduation fees not included).??Successful applicants are required to submit an official application through the UCI portal as a part of the admissions proce... more details
One (1) winner will receive a scholarship in the amount of out thousands dollars ($1,000). Applicants agree to be bound by Official Rules and agree that if any Scholarship Prize Recipient fails to provide proof of identity, refuses to provide require... more details
The total reward amount is $3000. ... more details
The benefits of the grant are: Facilitate the student to study in good conditions Full-time study only Exploiting youth energies ... more details
Work on high quality research projects with the best supervisory teams in world class environments$40K a year stipend for four yearsTuition fees covered for the full 4 year periodCoaching and mentoring will form a critical part of your highly persona... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The $2,500 scholarship grant can be used toward course materials, books, and other educational resources. ... more details
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Language proficiency, out-of-school experiences, and the motivation and coherence of the personal project.The objective is to enhance, beyond academic quality, the international career path of candidates ... more details
Award Amount: 3 Scholarship for $1000 each ... more details
Finalist The 5 finalists will be chosen. They will receive an e-certificate and USD $100 grant each. Winner iPrice will judge and determine a single winner, where he/she will be declared the winner of the iPrice Innovators’ Grant and bag an additiona... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
The student will receive $1,000 to be put toward their freshman year of college. ... more details
5 winners will be chosen and be given grants worth up to USD $1,500 on 14 October 2017. ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.