The studentship covers the full cost of UK/EU tuition fees, plus a stipend. The bursary will be limited to a maximum of £11,358 p.a. dependent upon the applicant's financial circumstances as assessed in section C point 4 on the ? There will also be a... more details
The studentship covers the full cost of UK/EU tuition fees, plus a stipend of £14,296 p.a. An additional research training support grant of £750 will also be available. There are other opportunities and benefits available to studentship holders, incl... more details
Recipients of the studentship will Receive full waiver of tuition and student fees for up to 42 months as long as they make adequate progress. Not be required to demonstrate (teach). ... more details
Fellows are supported for a period of three to six months (one or two consecutive terms at CEU). Fellowship award covers travel costs to/from Budapest, accommodations in the CEU residence and a monthly stipend of 1,800 USD. ... more details
The University Postgraduates Program at Beihang University is a full time program with full scholarship, covering tuition fee, accommodation, living allowance, normal medical service, comprehensive insurance, etc., but not the international travel ex... more details
The full scholarship benefits include: A monthly allowance of 767 euros; An annual roundtrip ticket; Social protection; Priority for accessing to student housing. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The position is in code 1352 Postdoctoral, salary grade range from minimum 57in the Norwegian State salary scale, gross NOK 488,900 per year, depending on qualifications. A deduction of 2% is made as a statutory contribution to the Norwegian Public S... more details
These awards cover tuition fees at EU/Home student rate and provide a maintenance stipend equivalent to that of the RCUK studentships £14,296 for 2017/18. ... more details
Graduate Diploma in Law: 3 scholarships of £2000 each towards your tuition fees Legal Practice Course: 9 scholarships of £1000 each towards your tuition fees Bar Professional Training Course: 1 Scholarship of £4000 plus 8 scholarships of £1000 each t... more details
The UPS scholarship benefits and conditions will be sent with an offer of scholarship and you should read them carefully prior to signing an acceptance form. These UPS benefits and conditions apply to all people who accept offers from the University ... more details
The Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund (CCSF) provides awards ranging from £2,000 to £5,000 to Canadian men and women for academic and artistic postgraduate study in the UK. ... more details
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The total value of the scholarship is £25,000. Fees will be deducted from this amount and the remainder can be used for maintenance. ... more details
Fellowships will be awarded for three years initially, with the potential of a two-year extension subject to review. Extension to cover maternity, paternity and adoption leave is up to 12 months, depending on the actual leave taken and must be taken ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.