WHAT IS IT WORTH This Scholarship provides payment of 10% of the MSc/MA tuition fee. A limited number of scholarships will be awarded each academic year. It is available (dependent on eligibility) for 1 year ... more details
WHAT IS IT WORTH This scholarship provides a number of awards up to the value of £1,000 contributing towards the cost of tuition fees It is available (dependent on eligibility) for 1 year ... more details
This Scholarship provides full UK Tuition Fees for a British student ... more details
Each scholarship awarded will be worth between £1,000 and £5,000. The amount of the scholarship offered to successful applicants will be communicated to them at the time the award is offered. ... more details
This studentship provides a number of awards up to the value of £1,000 contributing towards the cost of tuition fees ... more details
WHAT IS IT WORTH This scholarship provides £5,000 for one academic year It is available (dependent on eligibility) for for the 2014/15 academic year. ... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
WHAT IS IT WORTH This scholarship provides tuition fees at Home/EU rate only. Please note that International students (if successful) will be required to pay the difference between Home/EU and International Fees. A total of 2 scholarships are availa... more details
Studentship will cover Home/EU Fees and pay the Research Council minimum stipend per year for a period of up to 3 years. ... more details
The winner will receive the Aberconway Medal engraved with his/her name and the prize of £500. ... more details
The overall winner receives the Percy Thrower Travel Bursary, worth £2,500, provided by the Shropshire Horticultural Society. This funds a horticultural ttip anywhere in the world. There are also prizes at every stage of the competition. Past winners... more details
What can a bursary be used for? Funding, obtained via a bursary can be used to cover, or contribute towards the costs of: Travel Accommodation Food Essential equipment costs (where reasonable) Administration (e.g. obtaining health insurance... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Costa Rican partners: monthly scholarship payments DAAD: travel allowance, initial language course, health insurance, research and study allowance, printing costs subsidy ... more details
Das Stipendium setzt sich aus einem Grundbetrag und Nebenleistungen zusammen. Der altersunabhängige Grundbetrag beträgt € 1.700,- monatlich. Eigene Einnahmen aus einer wissenschaftlichen Nebentätigkeit bis zur Höhe von durchschnittlich € 500,- netto ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.