The financial support is about 1800 Euros gross per month. After deducting insurance, tax, etc. it is about 1300 Euros (14 salaries/year). This should be enough to cover the living costs in Vienna, such that you can concentrate on your studies. ... more details
Maximum total is EUR 60.000 for the entire duration of one year funding and covers: Annual gross salary of EUR 35.000 per year Covers any additional costs incurred in relation to the research project of maximum EUR 5.000 per year. Related fees paid ... more details
The Scholarships will cover up to 50% of the tuition fees. The full tuition fees are equivalent to 18.150,00 EUR (21% VAT included). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. In case of course abandonment or exc... more details
The Scholarships will cover up to 100% of the tuition fees (equivalent to 24,000 EUR 20% V.A.T. included). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. ... more details
The Scholarships will cover up to 70% of the tuition fees. The full tuition fees are equivalent to 22.000,00 EUR (21% VAT included). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. In case of course abandonment or exc... more details
Monthly allowance: Generally, in the case of single students: EUR 475 (EUR 5700/year) In the case of students whose parents have passed away: EUR 679 (EUR 8148/year) In the case of married students: EUR 679 (EUR 8148/year) In the case of students wh... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
The study abroad grant amounts to a maximum of € 582 per month. The exact determination of the monthly amount depends on an ordinance by the Federal Minister of Science and Research and is based on the costs of living and studying in the respective c... more details
Fellow receive adequate living stipends during their six-week long Fellowship assignments. The program also pays directly for international and domestic travel expenses, living expenses in the U.S. and Austria, as well as insurance costs and transpor... more details
The amount of the fellowships is standardized as follows: 4,800 Euros for Asian student and 3,200 Euros for Swedish students in a pair. However, in case of exchanges with Japan and Singapore, both Swedish and Asian students will receive 4,000 Euros ... more details
The scholarship is 1,000 Euros per month. In addition, a family allowance of 220 Euros per month can be drawn if your spouse does not undertake more than marginal part-time work/a self-employed activity (Section 8 SGB IV) or if he/she is a single par... more details
KSOP offers an elaborated scholarship program. The KSOP scholarship amounts to 800 Euro/month for international students and 400 Euro/month for German students. KSOP offers attractive scholarships to the most promising PhD students: 18 scholarships ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Scholarship of EUR 1000 per month to cover the cost of living; travel expenses for e.g. attending conferences or summer schools will also be covered, upon approval. No tuition fees have to be paid by these holders of scholarships. ... more details
Der Hochschulpreis Nachwachsende Rohstoffe ist mit 2.500 Euro dotiert. Die Raiffeisenbank Straubing eG stellt das Preisgeld in voller Höhe über die Stiftung Nachwachsende Rohstoffe zur Verfügung. Der Preis kann auch auf mehrere Bewerber verteilt werd... more details
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