4791 Scholarships and Grants in Africa

Where are you planning to study?
Financing Type:

Intensive Language Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates

One-off scholarship payment of 2,300 euros Payment of a country-specific travel allowance (exception: Western Europe), see www.daad.de/rkp-hsk_hwk_isk (the overview of travel allowances for 2015 will be published from November 2014) Payments towards... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Grant
  •  Ghana

Dr. Otto Ender Studienstiftung / Vorarlberger Landesstipendium

max. Euro 2.000,- pro Jahr jeweils 1 Studienjahr (erneute Antragstellung möglich) (zusätzl.) Euro 500,- für Studierende, die von der Kürzung der Familienbeihilfe des Bundes betroffen sind ... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Ethiopia

Turkish and Black Sea Scholars Fund

Awards of a maximum of £500 will be offered. ... more details

  •  Fellowship
  •  Ghana

Rotary Peace Fellowships

Each year, Rotary selects up to 100 individuals from around the world to receive fully funded academic fellowships to pursue a Certificate Program or Masters Degree program related to peace and conflict resolution and prevention at one of the partici... more details

  •  Master, Fellowship
  •  Worldwide

Graça Machel Scholarships for South African Women

The key aim of the Graca Machel Scholarship Programme is to help provide the female human resources necessary for economic, social, and cultural development in the Southern African region and to develop an educated and skilled workforce that can bene... more details

  •  Grant
  •  South Africa

DRD Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africans

The DRD offers a limited number of DAAD merit scholarships per year for applicants from Sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record, to pursue development-related Masters and PhD studies. ... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  Germany, South Africa

Country-related cooperation programme with Peru (ALEPRONA)

University graduates from Peru receive grants to complete a Master's or doctoral degree in Germany. ... more details

  •  Master, Phd, Grant
  •  Germany, South Africa

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