4747 Scholarships and Grants in Africa

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Gill Jacot Guillarmod Scholarship - Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria

Criteria Applicable to the Scholarship The Scholarship will be awarded annually to a Masters or Doctoral student studying towards a degree in human rights on a degree programme based within the Centre. The Scholarship will be awarded annually, fo... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  Italy, South Africa, Spain
  • $$  Fully Funded

American University of Nigeria (AUN) - Scholarships

AUN understands what is involved in attaining a globally respected, private university degree and that such an investment may require outside financial support. AUN’s Financial Aid Program is designed to assist qualified students who may not have all... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  Ghana, Nigeria
  • $$  Partially Funded

SAIIA Bradlow Fellowship Programme

The fellowship is available once a year for a three- to six-month period at SAIIA. The fellowship covers an economy class return ticket to South Africa, the board and lodgings of the candidate and a stipend. ... more details

  •  Phd
  •  South Africa, United Kingdom
  • $$  Fully Funded

TransAtlantic Masters - Scholarships

TransAtlantic Masters charges tuition fees. Students will be billed $5000 per semester. Tuition fees are payable to the University of North Carolina. Financial Aid is available. The TAM program awards a limited number of merit-based partial scholarsh... more details

  •  Master
  •  Ghana, Paraguay
  • $$  Not Funded

Manitoba Graduate Scholarship (MGS)

Value for a 12 month period: PhD $7,500 (can be held with the UMGF, but is limited to funding and/or number of awards available in any given year).Master's $15,000 (the UMGF must be declined). ... more details

  •  Master, Phd, Contest
  •  Canada, Ghana
  • $$  Partially Funded

Das Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst - PhD Scholarships

Currently the complete scholarship amounts to 1150 Euros per month. In addition doctoral students receive a fixed sum of 100 euros for research. Scholarships are initially granted for one year and upon application extended to a maximum of three years... more details

  •  Phd
  •  Germany, South Africa
  • $$  Fully Funded

NanoCore PhD Program

The scholarship entails: 4 years of funding full coverage of all tuition and fees monthly living allowance (12 months per year) possibility to work with any NanoCore researcher/collaborator ... more details

  •  Phd
  •  Singapore, Uganda
  • $$  Fully Funded

Academic and Cultural Sharing Scholarship at North Dakota State University in USA

The Academic & Cultural Sharing Scholarship offers international undergraduate students the ability to receive a tuition waiver of 50% of the Non-Resident Base Tuition rate, currently a savings of about $8,500 for the academic year. This scholars... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, United States
  • $$  Partially Funded

MJIIT Student Incentives

Exceptionally qualified students may apply for the MJIIT Student Incentives. These incentives are open to both Malaysian and International students. We offer the following student incentives: Monthly allowance (MYR 1,800-2,300) and tuition fee waiver... more details

  •  Master, Phd
  •  Egypt, Malaysia
  • $$  Fully Funded

Don Bosco Scholarship Program

Each scholar is awarded a scholarship, which includes university fees, health insurance, educational material, and attendance of seminars. ... more details

  •  Master, Internship
  •  Bhutan, Egypt
  • $$  Partially Funded

Avicenna Studierendenförderung

Das Avicenna-Studienwerk ist das jüngste der staatlich anerkannten und geförderten Begabtenförderungswerke in Deutschland. Leistungsstarke und gesellschaftlich besonders engagierte muslimische Studierende und Doktoranden aller Fachrichtungen werden d... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd
  •  Egypt, Germany
  • $$  Partially Funded

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Trent International Scholarships and Awards

All students are required to have the following for admission to all programs: High School diploma Proof of English proficiency (or conditional admission through Trent-ESL) Minimum grades as outlined in country-specific admissions requirements ... more details

  •  Bachelor
  •  Canada, South Africa
  • $$  Partially Funded

Scholarships for Masters programme in Quantitative Economics

Tuition fee is EUR 3200/year. Altogether 26 students will be admitted. 24 full-time students admitted to this Master’s programme will automatically receive a tuition-waiver scholarship. This tuition-waiver scholarship is for students who complete a f... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  Zambia

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