The formal minimum requirements for admission to the LLM and PhD programmes are: For the LLM programme: a Bachelor’s degree in law (LLB) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 or its equivalent from a recognised higher learning institutions. For the PhD programm... more details
The studentship is for a period of three years with a maintenance allowance of £16,510, plus a training bursary of £2,000. The candidate will be expected to register at the start of the autumn term 2017. Applicants from outside the UK/EU are eligible... more details
This scholarship, worth £3,000 per annum. ... more details
Master’s Scholarships: The Master’s scholarships are valued at R150,000 per annum. The awards are tenable for the first and second years of Master’s study only. Renewal for a 3rd year, and beyond, will not be considered. The second year of tenure of... more details
Applicants must be full-time journalists (including freelancers) with at least five years’ experience. Journalists may work for news or editorial departments of newspapers, wire services, radio, television, websites, online publications or magazines ... more details
STIPEND AMOUNT The stipend is made up of a basic payment and additional payments. The basic payment irrespective of age is € 1,700 per month. The stipend holder may earn up to € 500 a month from additional part-time academic work without this affecti... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Type C Scholarship: TUMS provides all students with computer labs, library, and Wi-Fi Internet access at the dormitories, as well as a partial lunch plan. If you apply for TUMS type C scholarship and you are accepted, TUMS provides you with: free-of-... more details
All students enrolled in the ASP programme will benefit from a tuition fee waiver (the fee waiver does not include the regional tax and administrative fees), for the two-year Laurea Magistrale programme. Tuition fee waiver for the ASP programme. ASP ... more details
The scholarship will be awarded to candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements and promise, and whose background, work experience and personal profile contribute to the breadth and depth of diversity in the MBA programme. Strong pref... more details
Generous sponsors enable the Mises Institute to provide Fellows with a single occupancy apartment on the Mises Institute campus, an office at the Mises Institute, directed research from Institute faculty, admission to Rothbard Graduate School and Mis... more details
30% - 50% of tuition (and examination) fee ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Alle Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten erhalten in jedem Fall eine Studienkostenpauschale in Höhe von 300 Euro/Monat. Die Höhe des ausgezahlten Lebenshaltungsstipendiums für Studierende ist abhängig von der finanziellen Situation der Familie. Stipend... more details
The Scholarship is worth £22,500 with course tuition fees will be paid directly from the award to the University’s Tuition Fees account. The remaining funds will be paid to the Scholarship holder as maintenance support for the duration of the course.... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.