In order to be eligible for the challenge, candidates must be youth legally residing in South Africa between the ages of 18 and 35 Ideas will be selected according to: Originality Relevance Technical feasibility Quality of the submission... more details
The Huduma fellowship is structured along a series of 2 seminars and 2 workshops in between which Fellows will spend time at their work places with occasional interface with the members of the faculty as they continue to learn and apply the knowled... more details
Qualifications: Completed a Bachelor’s Degree program Language: Proficient in verbal and written English Coachability: Be willing to ask for help and embrace feedback and work well in a team-oriented environment Entrepreneur... more details
Provides you with an opportunity to relate career courses with workplace scenarios. Gives you valuable insight into the diversity of employees in the workplace. Prepares you for the demands and expectations of the fast-evolving world of work. Im... more details
Entries are expected from all students of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria, except final year students. ... more details
The Grand Prize winner will be awarded ?100,000, a new laptop, 1 online certificate course*, a 1-year internet subscription** and 1 year of university tuition. The First Runner-up will be awarded ?75,000, a 1-year internet subscription** and 1 yea... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
Construction/ building of prototypes for the best 3 ideas under each category will be sponsored by LAUCRID. Presentation of Certificates and Cash Prizes to the Best 3 ideas. ... more details
Global Certification Associate will award 50% scholarships to support any student all over the world. The grant will be given in the form of fee reduction worth.... more details
The University of London will select four scholars to receive the award, which cover full tuition fees and exam entry fees.... more details
This professional Certification Scholarship is open to women who are resident in Kenya and Nigeria only.... more details
The Humphrey Fellowship provides: Round-trip economy international travel for the grantee; A monthly maintenance allowance and funding for books and professional activities; Tuition and university fees; Limited accident and sickness insurance f... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Finalists will be invited to present at an event held in Africa and a winner will be selected to receive £25,000 along with runners-up, who will each be awarded £10,000 Duration of Program: Crucial commercialisation support is award... more details
A Girl Up Scholarship is intended to alleviate financial burdens of post-secondary education to members of the Girl Up Community and support the success of students working to advance gender equality. In 2021, Girl Up will award $87,500 in scholars... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.