Minimum of a bachelor’s degree from a reputable university in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or Statistics, Minimum of 5 O ’Level credits (including English and Mathematics) Completion of NYSC is mandatory ... more details
At Deloitte, we know that great people make a great organization. We value our people and offer employees a broad range of benefits.... more details
Tuition and boarding (including feeding) are provided free of charge for successful candidates throughout the course. ... more details
Applicants are to be undergraduate students studying in a higher institution in Nigeria who is between the ages of 18-30 years. Applicants are to form a team of between 3-5 people committed to attending online training and available for mentoring.... more details
Financial Support Media visibility Coaching ... more details
Candidates must be: Between the ages of 18 and 32 by the time of application, Conversant with socio-economic and political issues in Nigeria, Creative, progressive and willing to become change agents, Have the potential to be positive role mode... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
All students admitted for the AMMI program are automatically granted a full scholarship. ... more details
The selected Campus Ambassadors get the opportunity to represent Unilever Nigeria Plc in their respective campuses and connect with their leading professionals in the industry.... more details
An internship at PwC not only offers an opportunity to build your skills and confidence, but also to work on client projects that give you insight into who we are and what we do whether for our clients, the economy, or the wider community. Working... more details
Stipend: $3,000 covering living support and associated expenses for one month in South Africa. Accommodation: one single furnished bedroom either in a studio/one bedroom, or shared apartment with other fellows for one month in South Africa. Econo... more details
Maximum scholarship is $3,000 USD. Tuition and fees Books and materials Room rent and meals ... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
Selected students will receive a 7,000 EUR award (or local equivalent) The scholarship award must be spent on tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment required for the students’ classes at their primary university ... more details
A completed BCom Acc (Hons)/CTA degree (will enjoy preference). A completed BCom Acc degree (will also be considered). Certified copies of latest academic records. Driver’s license and own vehicle (will be an advantage). Ability to work i... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.