Applicants for Postgraduate studies should possess a minimum of first degree with Second Class Honours Division. Applicant must be registered Full-Time student of Federal or State Universities. All other applicants (UG, HND... more details
The goal of ViMP is to prepare NYSC members for the world of business as managers and entrepreneurs. ... more details
The scholarship covers the one-time CFA Program enrollment fee (if applicable) and reduces the exam registration fee (includes access to the curriculum eBook) to US$250.... more details
Fellows will benefit and experience the following Innovative Learning Curriculum Hands-On Leadership experience Participation in Community Projects Mentorship from Renowned Leaders Continuous Multi-Source Feedback One-on-One Leadership Coachi... more details
The four year scholarship which covers the entire duration of the degree programme is effective August 2022. The Scholarship fund covers tuition and levies , accommodation and meal card... more details
Be an emerging leader in science, engineering or medicine. Active researchers and professionals from industry, academia, public service, non-profit and other sectors with a terminal degree are eligible to apply (current students are not eligible);... more details
Are you looking for Scholarships in 2022-2023? We are happy to help you find best matches! Plus more!
If selected for participation in the Fulbright FLTA Program, you will have the opportunity to spend one academic year sharing your culture and language with American students by supporting an existing language program or helping to establish a new ... more details
The Avisen Legal Business Law Scholarship provides two $1,000 awards, one for each fall and spring semester and awarded to two different students. ... more details
Eligible students will be awarded up to $5,000 towards tuition-related expenses for the academic year. ... more details
Once a year, an award of US$20,000 is given to one eligible woman to help support graduate-level studies in Finance, with 50% of the award being paid directly to the winner and the remaining 50% being paid to the educational institution to directl... more details
This program offers you: 3 months of intensive training on business and operational skills Access to a private community of high achieving founders Check-in calls with a personal business coach Monthly virtual... more details
Scholarship Reminder Never miss a Scholarship Opportunity.
ICCBS will provide a monthly stipend which should be used to cover living costs, such as food, accommodation, local transportation and incidental minor illness. The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency. ... more details
They will publish the winning entry—and maybe some other standouts—this summer as one of their Bloomberg Tax Insights. And new this year, the student with the winning entry will also receive a one-year subscription to Bloomberg Tax so as ... more details
We are building a newScholarship Assistant This assistant will simplify your search and monitoring of the scholarships relevant to your study and needs.