The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, is a leader in sustainable investment in emerging markets. IFC promotes private sector development and economic growth to reduce poverty and improve people’s lives. IFC works to help achieve the World Bank Group’s overarching goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and stimulating shared prosperity in every developing nation. To understand its impact, IFC has developed a results measurement system and a cohort of staff who specialize in helping operational colleagues understand and articulate the development impact of their projects.
At the project level, IFC sets out to achieve concrete, measurable internal development targets that are specified at the design phase and, if needed, reviewed from time to time. These targets are linked to IFC’s corporate development goals. Progress towards achieving these targets is continuously tracked by its monitoring system, after which evaluative approaches using multiple methods to assess the longer-term impact of interventions are employed. This deliberate, systematic approach allows IFC to track the progress of its projects throughout their life cycle, and incorporate lessons learned into operations to improve future goal setting and project design. It also helps IFC to become more results-focused and to improve its transparency and accountability to stakeholders.
Through the business it does with its private sector clients, IFC's priorities in Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services (MAS) are: (i) increasing productivity and access to goods and services, while protecting the environment, supporting low carbon growth and enhancing resilience to climate change related impacts; (ii) making IFC the preferred financing partner of choice for targeted clients, in part through its world-class industry expertise; (iii) supporting select local companies to grow while improving their transparency, efficiency and sustainable competitiveness; (iv) catalyzing foreign investment, including mobilizing B loans and parallel loans; and (v) developing client, sector and country-level solutions that can be scaled and replicated with a special focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
GrowAfrica is looking for six (6) interns to work on Upstream and Advisory projects that aim to reduce the operational risks of the IFC investment projects through strengthening supply chains, addressing food security, increasing collaboration with the World Bank, building the capacities of farmers, improving product traceability, improving food safety, etc. By participating in these projects, interns will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the agriculture industry and gain valuable experience in the field. The Interns will work under the overall supervision of the Project Leader and the direct supervision of the Project Coordinator.