William Wallace Gibson Memorial Scholarship in Religious Studies at Victoria University for Master

  •  Master
  •   France, New Zealand
  • $$  Partially Funded

Bill Gibson was a Presbyterian Minister who served in a number of Parish roles and as the Executive Director of Presbyterian Support Services. He was an active freemason, serving as the Grand Chaplain. His death ends a family relationship between New Zealand Pacific and the Gibson family spanning over a hundred years and four generations.

Selection process

1. The closing date for applications is 15 November.

2. The names of up to five short-listed applicants shall be submitted to the sub-committee of the Lodge and the successful applicant shall be notified by the end of November.

3. The successful candidate will be chosen on the basis of a panel interview with Lodge members where three areas will be discussed:

i.The candidate’s academic merit,

ii.Their engagement in community activities, and

iii.The purpose for which the Scholarship proceeds will be used.

Eligibility Criteria


1. One scholarship shall be awarded annually to a post-graduate student in Religious Studies at Victoria University.

2. The Scholarship will have a value of $2000.00.

3. The award is open to all post-graduate Religious Studies students, irrespective of faith, nationality, marital status, sex or age.

4. The selection will be made on the basis of an expression of interest to the Religious Studies Programme Director. The Programme.

Faculty will then reduce the list of nominees to three students who will be interviewed by a sub-Committee of the Lodge. The most  deserving candidate in the opinion of the Lodge will receive the scholarship.

5. The Scholarships are tenable for one year.

6. Scholarship recipients may hold this and other awards simultaneously.

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