West African School on Internet Governance 2021 for Course

West African School on Internet Governance 2021 for Course
  •  Course
  •  05-Jul-2021
  •   Africa
  • $$  three (3) day intensive learning program

The school is structured as a three (3) day intensive learning program intended to introduce participants to Internet governance (IG) from the global and West African perspectives. The format includes daily fireside discussions with experts in the field and participation in Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa’s (PRIDA) virtual training platform. Certificates will be issued to participants who successfully complete the training. The key areas covered by the program are:

  • Evolution of the Internet and history of IG
  • Mapping of IG processes and actors
  • Classifications of IG issues (infrastructure, legal, economic and development) from African contexts
  • In-depth analysis of opportunities and challenges of emerging issues (cybersecurity, digital economy, human rights) from the West African context
  • A practical exercise on a key Internet Governance issue affecting West Africa

Eligibility Criteria

Stakeholders from West Africa are invited to apply. Prospective candidates should ideally be involved as key actors or decision-makers in Internet governance or ICT policy processes. They should also be able to contribute now or soon to IG activities or / and processes within their institutions, countries, continent and globally.

Candidates should be from all stakeholder groups including:

  • Youth and Women groups
  • Civil society
  • Private Sector
  • Media
  • Government offices and Regulatory agencies
  • Security and Defense forces
  • Academia and technical community
  • Archives, Libraries, and Documentation centers
  • Parliament
  • West African regional institutions, etc

Application Process

Stakeholders from West Africa are invited to apply. Prospective candidates should ideally be involved as key actors or decision-makers in Internet governance or ICT policy processes.

Apply Here
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