WASCAL 2024 Master Research Program in Informatics for Climate Change

  •  Master
  •  15-Jun-2024
  •   Africa
  • $$  Varies

The Université Joseph KI-ZERBO, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, is pleased to announce for application for its fifth batch of students to the study of Master Research Programme in Informatics for Climate Change (MRP-ICC) in Burkina Faso under the Capacity Building Programme of West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), with funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

WASCAL is a wholly West African international organization with focus on academic and transdisciplinary research, building graduate-level scientific capacity and serving policy makers in West Africa with science-based advice on adaptation to climate change impacts and land use management. It cooperates with many agencies and universities in the region, providing a knowledge platform of excellence for its partners. WASCAL is funded by BMBF, multilateral and bilateral partners and its 12 West African member countries, namely: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, The Gambia, and Togo.

WASCAL’s mission is to provide information and knowledge services at the local, national and regional levels to West African member countries to cope with the adverse impacts of climate change. We do this through capacity building support to young West African scholars in fields of climate, natural and social sciences and by delivering climate and environmental services in member countries.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates applying for Master Research Programme in Informatics for Climate Change must have a minimum of BSc degree (second class upper division) or equivalent in Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Health sciences, Meteorology and Climate science, Geography, Biological sciences, Geoscience, Environmental Sciences, Economics, Agriculture, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Engineering, Electrical engineering, Electronic Engineering.

Other general requirements include:

  1. Citizen of WASCAL member country.
  2. Proficiency in English Language will be an addition.

Offered Benefits

WASCAL will grant scholarships to selected students in the Master Research programme in Informatics for Climate Change. The scholarship is extended every year after successful completion of the study programme.

The scholarship includes:

  • Monthly stipend to cover accommodation, and living expenses for the period of studies;
  • Payment of university fees;
  • Research budget;
  • A personal laptop computer on loan for the duration of the programme.

In addition to the selected students for the WASCAL scholarship, limited places will be offered to high-performing candidates capable of covering the cost of training at the rate of 2290 euros per year. For these, the fees must be paid

Application Process

Go to West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) on docs.google.com to apply
  • All applicants are required to submit the completed application form (complete with all attachments in (b) above) by email addressed to: , ; ;
  • Partially completed forms will be discarded;
  • Each document must be attached individually and as a single document;
  • All applicants must fill out the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/hDHJWNsTDVHhzLoS6
  • In order for your application to be validated, in addition to the required documents, you must complete the form above. We remind you of the access link to the form. https://forms.gle/hDHJWNsTDVHhzLoS6

Required Documents:

The application process is handled jointly by WASCAL and the Université Joseph KI-ZERBO. Applications are to be submitted online.

(a) All applicants are required to download and fill the application form on www.wascal.org

(b) The following documents are required for the application with the corresponding names of the files:

Num Document required File name
Copy of academic degree (B.Sc or equivalent)(*) Degree
B.Sc Official Transcript or equivalent(*) Transcript (1, 2, 3...)
Detailed Curriculum Vitae CV
WASSCE or SSCE Certificate (Anglophone Countries) WASSCE or SSCE
Baccalaureat Certificate (Francophone countries) BAC
Letter of motivation Letter-Motiv
Support letter from employer (if employed) granting study leave for the two (2) years duration of the Master programme Letter-employer
Copy of Certificate of Nationality or State of Origin CN
A copy of English proficiency test or, in alternative, a statement indicating and justifying your self-assessment in the context of English proficiency. English
Recommendation letter from one (01) referee, the letter must contain detailed functional contact addresses (e-mail, WhatsApp) and telephone numbers of the referee Recom

(*) official English translations if the originals are not in English (for instance Lusophones)

c) The complete application folder must include 8 to 9 separate files. Each Applicant must ensure that they do not provide 2 or more items from the list in the same file. Incomplete application will be cancelled.

Apply Here
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