VU Fellowship Programme

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) offers talented prospective students the unique opportunity to pursue a degree in a selection of Master’s programmes at VU University. VU University has committed to providing approximately 1 million euro towards attracting highly motivated, excellent students.

All applications received by 1 March will be reviewed by the faculty at which the applicant will be participating in a Master’s programme. Faculties then nominate applicants to the central VUFP scholarship committee, which then awards scholarships to the most talented students. The award is based on the motivation letter, the quality of previous education and the student's academic performance therein. A scholarship offer will then be made to successful candidates.

Eligibility Criteria

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) is a scholarship for strongly motivated students with excellent study results. Eligible candidates must be able to prove their academic excellence, must be admitted to a English taught Master’s degree at VU University. Students with the Dutch nationality and/or a Dutch degree (given that the Dutch degree is used for admission) are not eligible for admission. Students following a one-year Master’s programme may not apply for the VUFP scholarship for a second year. Students already enrolled in a two-year Master’s programme who have not been awarded the VUFP scholarship in 2014/2015 are not eligible to apply for the VUFP scholarship 2015/2016.

Offered Benefits

The VUFP scholarship covers your tuition fee, and provides for an allowance towards study and living costs (paid out in 3 installments over the year). Please note that the scholarship does not cover all your living expenses.

There are two variations of the VUFP scholarship:

  • €5.000 to students paying the tuition fee for EEA students
  • €15.000 to students paying the tuition fee for non-EEA students

The grant is awarded to students in their first year of a Master’s degree programme. Regarding the 2 year masters the rule is that if student has not been granted in the first year, then it does not matter how good he/she is during the year, student cannot apply for the scholarship of the second year. Only if student was granted a scholarship from the beginning, then the scholarship can be extended if he/she achieved 80% of the credits. The Faculty VUFP committee will be asked to demonstrate to the Central VUFP committee that these credits have indeed been achieved.

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