USIP Generation Change Fellows Program for Nigerians

  •  Course, Fellowship
  •  18-Feb-2022
  •   Nigeria
  • $$  Fully Funded

The Generation Change Fellows Program (GCFP) is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of civically engaged youth leaders as they emerge as peacebuilders in their communities. By delivering training in effective leadership, conflict management, and prejudice awareness and reduction; providing online courses and other resources; and fostering a global learning community, the two year Fellowship gives participants the additional skills, knowledge, support, and resources needed to increase their resilience as peacebuilders and civic leaders, manage conflict at a local level, and increase the effectiveness of their peacebuilding programs. 

The five day program will deliver training in effective leadership, conflict management, and prejudice awareness and reduction in order for these emerging leaders to increase their resilience and have a greater impact on their respective communities. The training will provide a safe space for participants to share ideas, gain new tools, practice constructive conversations, and better understand conflict resolution, especially as it relates to their country. It will also expose participants to experts in the leadership development and conflict resolution fields.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be of Nigerian origin.
  • Must currently live and work in Nigeria.
  • Must be 18-35 years old. 
  • Must be able to read, write and speak English. 
  • Must have founded a peacebuilding organization or have worked in a leadership role in an organization that does peacebuilding work for at least 3 years. 
  • Must possess a willingness to participate and learn from peers and facilitators. 
  • Must be able to travel and fully commit to the program between April 25-May 1, 2022. These dates may change depending on restrictions related to COVID-19. 
  • Must have a valid ID to travel.

Offered Benefits

  • USIP will pay for participant airfare, lodging, meal, and visa expenses.

Application Process

Go to United States Institute of Peace(USIP) on to apply

Required Documents:

  •  Submit the written application using Surveymonkey.
  •  Upload and submit an updated curriculum vitae or resume and a scanned copy of your ID.
Apply Here
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