US-Austrian Journalism Exchange Fellowships

The Fellows work six weeks in a medium in the host country and meet professionals from business, government and media. The medium is selected by the program managers in accordance with the wishes of the Fellows. The exchange takes place between countries, ie not receive the home medium of the Fellows had to agree to American journalists.
Journalists from print, online, radio and television are equally addressed. They gain experience in the host country , learn the local culture and journalistic work practices . At the same time , they work as correspondents for their home media.

Eligibility Criteria

The competitive program is open to U.S. and Austrian journalists between the ages of 21 and 38 who are employed by a newspaper, news magazine, broadcast station, or news agency. Freelance journalists may apply also. Applicants must have demonstrated journalistic talent with at least three years of experience, and a strong interest in U.S.-European affairs. Foreign language proficiency is not required, but it is strongly preferred and will be taken into consideration during the selection process.

Offered Benefits

Fellow receive adequate living stipends during their six-week long Fellowship assignments. The program also pays directly for international and domestic travel expenses, living expenses in the U.S. and Austria, as well as insurance costs and transportation allowances.

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