UQ Hidden Vale Wildlife Conservation Top-Up Scholarship in Australia for Phd

  •  Phd
  •  31-Oct-2019
  •   Australia
  • $$  $7000

The Hidden Vale Wildlife Centre is a long term innovative partnership between UQ and The Turner Family Foundation, facilitating applied wildlife and ecology research and teaching on the Spicers Hidden Vale retreat property near Grandchester in South East Queensland. The Hidden Vale Wildlife Centre provides hands-on access to resources and support to allow students to make outstanding contributions to developing next-generation wildlife management and conservation techniques.

Eligibility Criteria

This scholarship is open to Doctor of Philosophy candidates researching wildlife conservation in association with the Hidden Vale Wildlife Project.

To be eligible you must:

  • Be assessed by the Graduate School as meeting all conditions for admission to the research higher degree program.

Future students will also need to satisfy the entry requirements for Higher Degrees by Research at UQ and conditions for a Research Training Program (RTP) or equivalent living allowance scholarship from UQ’s Graduate School.

Offered Benefits

How to Apply: If want to apply for this education award, then you need to take admission in the PhD degree program at the university. After taking confirmation, claimants can apply for the bursary.

Seekers need to demonstrate English language skills by achieving at least a 6.5 overall and a minimum of 6.0 in each sub-band of the IELTS; or acceptable scores in equivalent tests. Benefits: The grantee will be awarded a living allowance scholarship of at least the Research Training Program rate ($27, 596 for 2019 but indexed annually) to be eligible to receive this top-up.

Application Process

Current and future student applicants must be in receipt of or be awarded a living allowance a scholarship of at least the Research Training Program rate ($27, 082 for 2018 but indexed annually) to be eligible to receive this top-up.

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