Founded in 1911, the University of Porto (U.Porto) is a benchmark institution for Higher Education and Scientific Research in Portugal and one of the top 200 European Universities according to the most relevant international ranking systems. The U.Porto combines high quality education focused on individual vocations and talents as well as market needs with the claim to being the greatest birthplace of science in Portugal. It is committed to converting into social assets the talent and innovation from its 14 faculties, one business school and over 50 research centres
SASUP scholarships
Students enrolled in a bachelors, masters or integrated masters course at the U.Porto can apply for the scholarships awarded by the Social Services of the U.Porto (SASUP).
The scholarship consists of a monthly stipend to aid in the costs of attending the U.Porto. Economically disadvantaged students are thus supported in bearing the financial burden of not only school supplies and tuition fees, but also housing, food, transport, and other costs.
Students from Portugal, other European Union member states, or countries that enjoy a cooperation protocol with the U.Porto (excluding the International Student Statute - see Other support), according to the conditions established by the Ministry of Education and Science in the Regulations of Attribution of Scholarships to Higher Education Students, may apply for these scholarships. The scholarship is awarded and renewable on an annual basis. The deadlines and application results are published in a timely manner on the SASUP website.
Merit scholarships
Aside from normal scholarships, the U.Porto awards merit scholarships each year to the students ranked at the top of their class. This scholarship consists of a monetary prize – equalling five times the minimum national salary in effect – and is intended for students enrolled in a bachelors, masters or integrated masters course who show exceptional academic performance, independently of their socio-economic status.
Merit scholarships are attributed in accordance with the General Regulations of Attribution of Merit Scholarships to Higher Education Students. The U.Porto and its faculties are responsible for the selection of the awarded students, according with the criteria and requirements set out in the Regulations.
Each year, the U.Porto also awards a set of Incentive Prizes to the best students of the 1st year of each of its 14 schools/faculties. The prizes are delivered during the commemorative ceremony of the Day of the University. The value of the prize is equal to the tuition fees.
Scientific scholarships
Through its schools and research centres, the U.Porto sponsors and awards scientific initiation scholarships and research scholarships to holders of bachelors, masters or doctorate degrees to obtain scientific training in research projects or in national scientific and technological institutions. The scholarship is typically one year in length, renewable for up to three years, and cannot be awarded for periods spanning for less than three consecutive months.