In the face of unprecedented global environmental challenges, there is an urgent need to train scientists that can preserve our natural world and mitigate the impact of human activities on our ecosystems. This MSc is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to tackle this Global Change crisis.
The MSc in Global Change Ecology and Evolution provides a comprehensive understanding of the anthropogenic stressors affecting biodiversity and ecosystems. Students critically assess ecological and evolutionary responses to environmental change and explore strategies to mitigate human impact. The program develops key skills in communication, problem-solving, statistics, and experimental design, along with advanced quantitative and ‘omics techniques, highly valued in research, conservation, policy, and industry.
Taught by leading experts from Liverpool’s Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Behaviour (DEEB), the course utilizes specialised facilities, including the Buxton Climate Change Lab, Brian Moss Mesocosm Facility, Henry Wellcome Laboratory of Mammalian Biology and Evolution, and the NERC Environmental ‘Omics Facility (NEOF). These resources provide exceptional hands-on learning opportunities.
Through a blend of theoretical coursework and practical experiences, including a 10-day overseas field course (a UK option is also available), graduates will be well equipped to develop evidence-based solutions for global change related challenges.