Title VIII Combined Research and Language Training Program

Part of Title VIII Research Fellowships, the Research Scholar Program and Combined Research and Language Training Program (CRLT) provide up to nine months of full support for overseas research in Russia, Eurasia, & the Balkans.

Fellowship Programs

• Research Scholar Program

• Combined Research and Language Training

Funded by the U.S. Department of State (Title VIII), both programs provide full fellowship support to researchers seeking to conduct in-country, policy-relevant research for three to nine consecutive months.

In addition to support for research in the field, the CRLT program adds a component of supplemental language instruction—up to 10 academic hours per week. Combining research and language training yields more productive research and efficient language acquisition.

Eligibility Criteria

Title VIII research programs are open to graduate students, Ph.D. candidates, faculty members, and post-doctorate and independent scholars. All competitions for funding are open and merit-based. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

Offered Benefits

Full support, including international travel, housing, insurance, living and housing stipend, academic affiliation(s), language instruction (for CLRT), and a single-entry visa, provided by American Councils through U.S. Department of State's Title VIII grant support.

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