Tiffany Green Operator Scholarship for Bachelor

Established to support women pursing a career in live entertainment. Fields of study may include but is not limited to: live event operations, production, music engineering and/or other related fields.

Eligibility Criteria

·         Applicant must be a full-time Junior or Senior enrolled at an accredited college or university at the time of award

·         Applicant must be pursuing a career in live entertainment. Field of study may include but is not limited to: live event operations, production, music engineering and/or other related fields.

·         Applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

·         Funds may be used for tuition, fees, books and other education-related living expenses including transportation and technology

·         Live Nation employees and family members are eligible

·         This is a one-time award to be paid directly to a qualified educational institution

Offered Benefits

The scholarship will expand the student's training and professional interactions through participation in educational opportunities.

Application Process

·         Complete the Scholarship Application Form

·         Provide a student copy of their college transcript to confirm GPA

·         Provide proof of enrollment from the educational institution

·         Provide two (2) letters of recommendation from non-Live Nation affiliated industry professionals and/or instructor(s)

·         Write an essay on the unique value women bring to the live entertainment industry workforce. The essay should not exceed 500 words and should include the student’s long-term professional goals within the entertainment industry.

·         In addition to the application essay, the scholarship recipient will be required to write a final impact essay at the end of the school year updating Live Nation on how the funds supported their scholastic journey and progress towards their long-term careers goals.

·         Winner is announced April 23, 2018

Apply Here
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