Swedish-Turkish Scholarship Program

The Swedish-Turkish Scholarship Programme aims at supporting advanced level studies and research within the selected fields in order to contribute to closer relations between Turkey and the European Union. The programme offers a total of 10–15 scholarships for the year 2015/2016. The exact number of scholarships for each level (masters/PhD studies/post-docs) depends on the quality and length of the applied study period of all applications received.

Eligibility Criteria

The scholarships are only intended for students who are required to pay tuition fees according to the information at University Admissions.

There is no age limit for scholarship holders.

A scholarship cannot be granted for a student who:

  • Has already lived in Sweden for two years or more previous to the scholarship period.

  • Has a Swedish or EU/EES-citizenship, permanent residence permit or work permit in Sweden.

  • Has previously been awarded a Swedish Institute scholarship for master’s level studies or research at a Swedish university/university college.

  • Already holds a degree from a Swedish university/university college.

  • Is currently enrolled in a study programme at a Swedish university/university college.

Offered Benefits

The scholarship covers both the tuition fee (which is paid directly to the Swedish university/university college by the Swedish Institute) and living expenses to the amount of SEK 9,000 per month.

The scholarship is only awarded for programmes starting in the autumn semester (August/September) and is granted for one academic year, i.e. for two semesters at a time. It will be extended for programmes longer than two semesters provided that the student’s study results are satisfactory.

The scholarship is designed to cover living costs and study expenses for the scholarship holder. There are no grants for family members. The granted scholarship period cannot be altered or extended beyond the study programme period nor can the scholarship be transferred to another study programme at a Swedish university.

Travel grants

Scholarship holders will receive a travel grant in connection with the scholarship upon arrival. The travel grant is a one-time payment of SEK 5,000.


Scholarship holders are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance against illness and accident during the scholarship period.

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