Summercourses of Lectures for Institutes of Languages from the University for Fellowship

The summercourses are bilateral language courses in which Austrian students receive instruction in the language of the host country and students from the host country receive German language instruction. Leisure time is spent together. In this way the communicative language competence of the participants, which in other language courses is often neglected, is improved.
Language teaching takes place in groups of different levels. On principle participants should have a basic knowledge of the language (having studied the language for at least 2 semesters); studies in a related subject are not a prerequisite.
Both leisure time and the social programme are conceived to promote the practical application of the new things that students learned or to corroborate the knowledge they already have. Even though leisure activities vary from course to course, they always include excursions, talks, readings, music recitals, lectures on literature and regional and cultural studies and also social evenings.
All students will live together, mostly in student halls of residence or university-owned lodgings. Special importance is attached to the fact that in all cases an Austrian shares a room with a student of his/her host country.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Austrian nationality or proof of pursuing a degree programme (ordentliches Studium) at an Austrian university or Fachhochschule
  • Basic knowledge of the foreign language (4 hours per week per semester)
  • Age limit: 35

Offered Benefits

The costs for the Sommerkolleg (accommodation, course fee, board) for all participants are covered by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research or by the "AKTIONEN" unless otherwise stated.

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