Study Abroad at SOAS

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •   United Kingdom, United States
  • $$  Not Funded

We welcome you to join our growing Study Abroad Programme. We offer undergraduate and postgraduate students the opportunity to study at SOAS for either a half or full year and transfer credits back to their home university. In addition to dedicated pastoral support and care, you will be fully integrated into the SOAS student body– both academically and socially.

Study Abroad students can choose from over 400 modules and build a unique programme including both traditional disciplines and specialist modules across each of our three Faculties - Arts & Humanities, Law & Social Sciences and Languages & Cultures.

You may pick options within our regional expertise of Africa, Asia and/or the Middle East; one of the over 50 non-European languages taught or courses within our traditional academic disciplines. Whether you are coming to SOAS for the full year or half the year, you are not restricted to a Study Abroad ‘Track,’ to one specific Faculty, or to one specific department. You can choose modules from across SOAS.

Eligibility Criteria

We welcome Study Abroad applications from both undergraduate and postgraduate students.  SOAS is looking for students who are getting the equivalent of a British 2:1 in their current undergraduate studies.

All applications require proof of English proficiency unless the following applies:

1. You are a native English speaker and a national of one of the countries listed on UKVI's Knowledge of English.
2. You are studying a full-time degree in one of the countries listed on UKVI's Knowledge of English (except Canada).

Offered Benefits

Butex Scholarship Once you have been offered a place on the Study Abroad programme at SOAS you may be interested in applying for the Butex scholarship. The scholarships are open to all undergraduate students from any country; it is not open to students who are eligible for an Erasmus exchange (this operates within Europe). Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to diversify the kinds of students who study and intern abroad and the countries and regions where they go by offering awards to U.S. undergraduates who might otherwise not participate due to financial constraints.

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