Stichting A.A. van Beek-Fonds Scholarship

It does so by granting financial contributions to students and other individuals associated with the university who wish to acquire further qualifications within the curriculum and complement their studies through a consecutive stay of at least four weeks in Europe, and at least eight weeks outside Europe – in a country where Dutch or a related language is not the working language.

The Foundation receives its income, apart from interest on capital, from donations, annuities, testamentary dispositions, legacies, and contributions from patrons, supporters and benefactors. The Foundation has been given “ANBI-status”, which allows for considerable tax concessions with regard to donations and testamentary dispositions.

Notably former recipients of stipends are called upon to contribute to the Foundation, provided their social situation allows for it, so that with the trend to greater internationalisation more students can be supported.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications should include: a letter in which applicant motivates the stay abroad, the application form together with the budget form, the details and justification of the budget, a recent passport photograph, citizen service number (BSN), curriculum vitae, a statement to the effect that the trip is made within the framework of the study programme and a copy of the EUR registration card.

Offered Benefits

Varies per Faculty.

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